Harper's article

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

Daniel Baum - on concealed carry. Interesting article. You can buy it on the newsstand. Basically, a not conservative writer discusses his decision to carry. He gives a very reasoned approach as to why and basically shoots down the usual objections to strict gun control and carry. Very nice analysis of why one could carry.

He seems to have taken carry classes from some silly teachers who spout nonsense, but speaks to the need for competent training.

He has little use for extremist gun advocates as he has for extreme antis.

Good discussion of how moving from Condition White has positively influenced him and others. Discussed open carry.

Made some mild techy mistakes on hollow points but not a big deal. Wasn't that positive to Lott, mentioning the well known critiques of Lott. However, he is positive on the benefits of carry for crime prevention and defense.

Interestingly, this is the second mostly positive gun article from Harper's, a progressive magazine. There was a one a few years ago on how progressives should promote the RKBA, mainly for the defense against tyranny. Of course, they see the tyranny coming from the extreme other side of their political spectrum.

In any event, it is good to see proRKBA articles appear in major outlets not usually defined as being in the gun choir or one side of the political world.

Fixating on mistakes or some critiques of gun world rhetoric would miss the major positive point of the piece.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Yeah, the check is in the mail! I just like to see progun stuff in strange places. I bought it Book People in Austin, along with a novel about a cyborg woman warrior fighting elves and demons. She could tranform her hands into SW 44 mags!

It's also a good resource if you want to give it to a person on the fence who doesn't buy gun writing from one side of the political spectrum.


New member
A fairly well balanced article. The author made some good points concerning
the downside of concealed carry. Also, I thought he did a good job of describing how some gun owners hurt their own cause by exhibiting behaviors
which society as a whole might be unwilling to accept.