Hard work at the range today


New member
If a day at the range while most folks are workin and sweating, my hard work was a bit better.
I have been developing loads for my .45 acp match pistol. I was looking for the most accurate bullet / powder / primer combination.
I shall begin with the fact that I no longer have a Ransome Rest, which is the best way to develop loads.
So I was shooting hand held, using a foam kneeling pad on the shooting table to rest the butt of my .45 on and a 3 moa red dot sight, installed just for this process, all groups were 10 rds.
I had loaded 185 gr button style SWCs and 200 gr H&G 68 style SWCs over Bullseye ranging from 3.5 gr up through 4.5 gr. in .1 gr increments.
It is truly instructional to see the differences in bullet / load variations.
My groups at 50 yds varied from 8" H/V through 2.5" H/V. The winner was a Missouri 200 swc over 3.8 gr of Bullseye. This is handheld with the butt resting on a stiff foam pad using an Aimpoint 3 MOA dot.
The differences are both impressive and disheartening. Ths same pistol will group between 8" and 2.5" at 50 yds with just changes in bullet and powder charge.
So, I proceed from here. One thing I do know for sure now. If I get a 5 instead of a 10, it is my fault & not that of the load or pistol.
Something else for me to consider. 23 years ago with a different .45 and a Ransome rest, I had developed a load that used my 200 gr SWC cast with a Lee mold and 3.8 gr of Bullseye that shot into 2" at 50 yds.
Perhaps Bar-Sto barrels just like 3.8 gr of Bullseye and 200 gr SWC bullets.



New member
The results of one group only gives you a hint.
You need to load up about 50 rounds and then collect ten 5-shot groups to get some idea of how the round really performs. However, shooting at 50 yards should really separate the winners from the losers very quickly. Did you see group size shrink as you went up and then increase?
I found that 231/HP38 and AA2 give me the best accuracy over a range of charge weights and a range of 185-200gn bullets; however, I can't shot at 50 yards. I'm not even sure if my eyes would let me shoot decent groups at 50 yards...


New member
I remember when I could use open pistol sights @ 50 yds. Some days I still think I can. Too bad the Missouri Bullet folks make such a good product. Now you don't have to get back into casting. ;)