Hard cast vs. Jacketed bullets?


New member
Although I have loaded for rifle for some years I am new to loading for handguns. I know almost nothing about hard cast bullet reloading. If I am loading for a 240 grain hard cast bullet is the power data in a reloading manual for a jacketed bullet of the same weight accurate? Or, at least, close such that I can work up a load withoug blowing myself up. Sure would like some ideas here. Good shooting:)


Member In Memoriam
Never hurts to get the Lyman manual if you're going to start fooling around with cast bullets - no matter the manufacturer. If nothing else, it's a great explanation of all things cast.

That said, a quick check in a couple manuals for .44 mag shows a 245 gr cast - Bluedot (min/max) of 15.0/18.4 & 2400 = 19.4/23.4
A Hornady 240 jacketed gives BD = 17.1/18.7 & 2400 = 19.8/22.2

Use it for comparison purposes only, please.


New member
Second the vote for Lyman Reloading Handbook.

Should have at least two loading books anyway, and cover to cover read em all.



New member
Been loading 240 hard cast for my Smith 29, with 14 grains of accurate #5, chrony at about 1500, seem to be quite accurate with minimal leading. And a lot cheaper to shoot then jacketed.


New member
Lyman #47 and Speer #13 are the two manuals I use for cast, and swaged, lead loads. The best thing you can do for your gun is to first slug your barrel so that you can size the bullet for the bore and avoid leading.

Alan R

New member
Same weight are the operative words. Assuming properly sized and lubed, hardcast bullets will operate at higher velocities and lower pressures than jacketed bullets OF THE SAME WEIGHT. You are OK in using published jacketed bullet loads for cast bullets (of same weight). NEVER substitute jacketed bullets for published, high velocity & pressure hardcast bullet loads.

Are you in North Plains, OR?


New member

My paternal woodsman teacher told me to always subtract 1.5 to 2 grains from recipies for jacketed bullets if everything else remains equal. If there are other variations involved, best go to the book for a new plan.


New member
Alan R.

Actually on North Dairy Creek Road which is several miles north of the metropolis of North Plains. Good shooting:)


New member
240g cast

Maybe CCI350 or Federal 155 primers, Starline cases, and careful applications of 2400, W296, or N110.
Medium loads might like Universal Clays.

All of them will like Redding Profile Crimp die.

Alan R

New member

I'm in Lake Grove (poor side of Lake Oswego :^))

Any BLM land out your direction for shooting practice? I normally have to drive way out to mile marker 32 and Salmonberry Rd. off HWY 26 to shoot. I'd like to find something closer than a 50 min drive. I'd join Tri Cities gun club but I just don't seem to have $300 for dues...seems bullets n' powder and Rose CIty gunshows swallow up my membership registration right quick :^)


New member
All the suggestions and Ideas are much appreciated.

Thanks to all of you for all of the great ideas, suggestions, and good information. It is really appreciated. Even met a fellow Oregonian. What a deal! Keep 'em coming. Good shooting:)


New member
"Hard cast" is a misnomer. Yea, there are some really hard cast bullets, and I've seen some of the hardest lead so bad, it was a wonder that the bore ever cleaned up. Hardness is relative to many things some of which are throat and leads, pressure, condition of the bore, lube, twist, bore and bullet diameter, and the list goes on. Sometimes you can just simply get some cast bullets, load'em, and they work fine. Sometimes not..., leading, key holing, feed or cycle failure, and the list goes on. What then? Listen to the guys and get some reading material even if you're an experienced reloader. The Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook is pretty good. Also, get used to the idea that a 'hard' cast bullet may not be the best for your application. Other than that, loading cast bullet is FUN and EASY!