Happy Thanksgiving


New member

Happy Thanksgiving to you, your families and friends.

In a few hours, I will be traveling to my brother's house today to eat Thanksgiving bird and spend a few days in Atlanta. This may well be the last time all the nieces and nephews are together because they are all college age and are going their separate ways.

We have people converging from five states to make this happen. It will be great and it may be the last time I get to eat my mothers cooking - she is getting to that age.

I wish for each of you to find a place to be this Thanksgiving and have as much fun as I anticipate for myself.

In just a couple of days the holiday season will be upon us once again. Please reflect on the greatness of our country. Think about those so far away from home protecting our homeland and the beliefs that make America unique in the world. Think about their families and how they are separated from their loved ones this holiday season - perhaps for a few months, perhaps forever.

Be grateful for our service men and women going to places most of us will never go so we may speak our minds, share our thoughts, vote and have enough to eat.

Do something nice for someone you don't know, for someone with less than you, for someone in need.

Hug your wives, your children, your parents, your friends, your neighbors. Tell them how you feel. Now.

Now is the time to do these things.

God Bless America and Happy Thanksgiving.

- Craig

p.s. To stay within the parameters of the Forum, I need to make this about a gun. I'll buy a few specialty shells for an antique shotgun while in Atlanta.
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New member
Well said ( and I'll let the grandkids load some shells in my shop ).

Grandchild # 10 arrived about 6 weeks ago ... and he and his parents will be here for the 1st time...it'll be fun.


Since it's also my b'day that weekend, I'll be taking it easy in the Keys where the air is warm and the drinks are cold - not the other way around!... :D

Stay safe everyone