Happy Fathers Day


New member
Just wanted to ring in and tell all (H.F.D.), I owe a BIG thanks to my dad for my brother and myself. As very young kids we were taught gun safety, how to handle one, and what the end of a belt felt like if we didnt follow the rules. I have girls and no boys around me, and wouldnt trade em for 10 boys, they too understand it all, and darn good at putting ol dad to the test! So when you tell or if you have to reach back and remember dear dad, remember or include a thank you for making you a gun owner and a responsible person. Take your kids, or grandkids out and teach them the same, if we want to keep our rights alive we have to have back up! THANKS DAD!!!


New member
My old man walked out on me when I was 6 and never looked back. Those
who had real fathers, especially ones who intoduced them to the shooting
sports, should be extremely grateful.

Dean C

New member
I just finished the Washingon 2A shoot this weekend. My oldest was with me and the two of us had a great time. About 25 years ago, we went to school together. I was attending "First time DAD school" and he attended "First time SON school". Same house, same time. WE BOTH PASSED.
SON two had to work this week-end but I'll catch up with him tomorrow. (His Birthday was the day before so you bet I'll catch up)

Got two of the best reasons to celebrate Fathers' Day.
Big prayers for my father who made me what I am so I coule pass it along.


New member
I bought my dad a Bowie knife. He saw it & got like a kid at christmas. That thing is sharp!

Almost had a tantrum when mom asked in a anti-way why he needed it.:D