Happy Day! (new pistol(s))


New member
Please, anti Glocker's, don't flame me with 'big deal, you should've gotten a real gun'. BUT, I am the proud new owner of a 23 AND a 27. My first .40s, not my first Glocks. Joy, joy. Anyway, just wanted to share my good news.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. I don't care for Glocks, but do admit that many do and I must say that the ones I've shot, seen, and owned worked! Congratulations on your purchase and good shooting. Best.


New member
Congradulations, I hope you have fun shooting them. Your wife better put that thing in a safe surrounded by angry german shepards to keep you from playing with it :) Have fun, happy hunting, and good shooting.


New member
Simon, Don't know if you read any of my posts about Glock, I'd never own one :eek: So I said :rolleyes: Now I'm the proud owner of a 27 :D I love it :D So congrats on your new purchases and I'm sure your going to like the 27 ;)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.


New member
Congrats on the new Glocks! I was out shootin' my G30 today. You got to love a Glock. I don't care what anyone else thinks. :cool:

"Millions for defense, not one dime for tribute!"


New member
Hey Simon--congrats! :) It took me ten years to shoot my first Glock, but I finally became a believer. I don't have a G27 (yet). But for pure shooting fun my G23 is one of the best guns I own.


New member
I was out shooting my 23 yesterday. Hell of a gun. I particularly like the hi-cap clips and the Lasermax! You do have hi-cap clips and a Lasermax, don't you??? Looks like it's time for another trip to the gunshop!


New member
Don't like Glock's myself, but dumping on someone's new pistol? It's like telling someone his new baby is ugly. It just isn't done!! Congratulations, and happy shooting.



New member
Congratulations on your two new ugly babies. ;)

[This message has been edited by ak9 (edited July 03, 2000).]

Rusty S

New member
I just made a deal for a couple 1955 380 brownings. I know the feeling of glee from not just one but two new ones.

I'm into walnut and blued steel: Police Positive Specials, Mannlicher stocked 7x57's and side by side shotguns.

Let's make a deal. Anybody attacks your favorites I'll help you shout em down, and if someone puts down my choices you help me convince them to mind their own business

John Moses designed it, I trust it, and that settles it.


New member
Thanks, Rusty, and everyone else for the congrats. I am a decided non-combatant in the flame wars. I figure anyone who likes something well enough to plunk down their hard earned cash for it doesn't need me telling them they're an idiot. Not that I don't have opinions, mind you, I just try to be respectful of everyones. Now, off to the back forty to send some downrange!


New member
Flame war? Just for bagging on ugly, poorly shaped hunks of plastic with all the aestic appeal of a melted marshmallow?


Can't stand those tupperguns. Well, I own a 22 and a 27, and I carry the 27 every day...but it still doesn't mean that I LIKE the nasty little beastie...

Simon, if yours doesn't already have night sights, drop me a line...I have some great Aerotek tritium sights for the 27, yellow dots rear and a green front, NIB, I'll let them go for dealer cost to make up for your shame in purchasing such a pistol. I have the same setup on both my Glocks and am very happy with their performance.

Good choices in pistols. Enjoy.


Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greetings and Congrat's on your new purchase's. :) I'm a Sig fan, but do own
and have owned quite a few Glock's. As
a previous poster said, " I carry my
Glock 27 everyday".
Enjoy!!! :D

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

" Make mine Smith & Wesson revolver's; and
Sig-Sauer semi-auto's".

Tom B

New member
I have the G27 and I know you will like yours. In process of trading a BHP for a G17. (never thought I would hear myself say that!)


New member
I don't own a Glock (YET), but I do admire them. In 100 years, Glocks will be held in the same esteem as the 1911. There really hasn't been much in the way of new concepts in pistols for the past 60 years since the NFA, but Glock is one of the new things that worked.
My gunsmith who forgot more about guns than I'll ever learn, said if you don't get a 1911, get a Glock. Facinating firearms, and I hope you'll give them a proper home, and feed them regularly.


New member
As far as babies go, Stick a cigar in their kisser and they all look like Winston Churchill :eek:

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.

Rocky Road

Retired Screen Name
May you continue to cherish your combat tupperware. 'Tisn't my cuppa tay, but, chances are, they'll serve you long and well.

In almost every CHL class I teach, someone brings a Glock, or asks about one. I carefully explain that they are ugly and blocky and fly in the face of my own long-held beliefs about handguns. I believe sidearms should be executed in steel or forged aluminum, trimmed out with ivory or stag or nicely checked wood. About the only good things I can say about the Glocks are that all I've tested are pretty accurate, they are simple to operate, and seems as if they ALWAYS work. And, when you come right down to it, if you aren't into admiring guns as an art form, what more can you ask?

I ask only that the Glocks be properly holstered, or else the little trigger block accessory thingy be used religiously. I imagine they'll serve as well as do my cherished Colts and S&Ws (PAOC.)

Besides, I understand Glocks are easy to maintain, being top rack dishwasher safe.

Best regards,

---The Second Amendment ensures the rest of the Bill of Rights---