happy day at the range


New member
I got my wife to finally shoot the AK, she for some reason always had a strange fear of long guns, she'd shoot pistols all day but wouldn't touch a long gun. when we went to the range the other day I handed her the AK, she shouldered it, dropped the safety......put the safety back on and set it down giving me a look like a puppy dog that's just been kicked. after talking to her about it for a while she worked up the courage to shoot it, first one round, then a few more, then she went through a whole mag, then another, and then asked to shoot the 30-30 and went through a half a box of ammo before getting a sore shoulder. I'm so proud of her :) I think next time I'll see if I can get her to shoot a 12 ga.


New member
A good day at the range is what it's all about. Wish I could shoot an AK I live in the PRK thus, no evil pistol grip etc. Could have shoot one in AZ for about $75.00 dollars an hour. Choose an MP5 instead!
