Happy Birthday To The Uscg!!


New member
Just wanted to wish a Happy 216th Birthday to the Coast Gurad and all the Puddle Pirates out there. :D :D :D


New member
A lady I work with has a son in the Coast Guard. He's stationed somewhere in Conneticut. He's been out of basic about 1 month now. He loves it. Keep up the good work men, we appreciate it. hpg

Semper Paratus

New member
Being qualified to be an ex coasty (6'4" tall) thaks. Remember that the Coast Guard Motto is Semper Paratus which means Always Prepared. A good recommendation for all of us.


New member
Years ago I knew a retired ships Master who had a high opinion of the US Coast Guard.
He told me that their Unofficial motto is "You have to go out. You don't have to come back".

He told me about loosing a ship back in the early post-war days before most ships had radar.

He'd got caught in an unexpected blow and a rogue wave stove in his #1 hatch.
They were taking on water, and the pumps couldn't keep up.
He called away the life boats and the crew abandoned ship.
He'd got off a May Day distress call but had no hopes for help in the high seas.

He said that the song "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" had it right with the line "When the waves turn the minutes to hours".

At first light a US Coast Guard flying boat was over head, and a PJ rescue jumper jumped in to the waves.
He gave first aid to several injured crewmen and swam between boats to keep everyone alive until a Coast Guard cutter could get to them.

The Captain retired in his home town, a small Mississippi River town.
The Coast Guard also patrols the Mississippi River, and when Coasties would come ashore, drinks were on the Captain.


New member
I've been out of since '04. Aside from teaching me to be a usefull adult, the Coast Guard also paid for most of college, and gave me something to be proud about for the rest of my life.

Figures that they're switching to Sigs after I leave.


New member
Good for you. The coast guard saves a lot of lives. The folks ive know that served all liked their time in the coast guard and gained a valuable experience serving.