Happy Birthday Elmer Kieth


New member
March 8th, 1899. Great sixgun man, great books, great stories.

On a side note:

37 years ago today, March 8th 1974 I went to work for the Anchorage Police Department

17 years ago today, March 8th 1994 I retired from the Anchorage Police Department.

Don't miss it one bit, like the movie says, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN


New member

Thanks for the reminder about Elmer Keith - and thanks for your service as an LEO.

About Keith, btw, there's a company called Jaxonbilt in Salmon, ID, that makes a Keith model Big Ol' Hat. Roy Jackson is one of the few guys still making top quality hats; I got an Open Road style from him a few years ago and it's a beauty.


New member
Elmer Keith was my favorite of all times. His influence on guns and shooting will be with us forever.