Happy birthday, Art


New member
Today is Art Eatman's birthday. He's ummm... old enough to vote.
The area where we live is quite remote and Art is always there to cheerfully help out his neighbors. He'll use his maintainer (and fuel) to keep up folk's bad, dirt roads; stockpile gravel and sand on his property for others to use; give endless, but generally good, advice to those having engineering questions in regard to building their homes. Also impromptu home security. All of this while asking for nothing in return, free, gratis...except maybe a cold one.
So here's a hat off to you Art. Thanks, amigo. :D

Dave R

New member
Art has also been very helpful to all of us at TFL. His advice here is worth far more than what we pay for it. ;)

Thanks, Art.


New member
Happy Birfday, Unca Art! I was going to enclose a double sawbuck but the post is already closed. :p


Member In Memoriam
Happy Birthday Art. Hope that all is well. Hope to see ya again soon. (does this mean that when we were sipping a few cold ones you were not 21 yet? :D :D)


New member
Like a fine single malt, some things start out good and improve with age.....like Art. Happy birthday Sir.