Happy Almost New Year


New member
And a Happy New Year to you. Sweet firearm, but no hammer to cock? On double action, without a hammer cock, you have a long draw to fire. Up close it's a hit, but 15'-20' it's most often a miss. I would suggest a hammer on a revolver for a smooth click trigger. Your revolver is really safe, but for a long pull of the trigger.

The same manufacturer has a safe thumb-slide hammer cock that allows the same safe-readied function. Your safety is within 6'-10' for hitting an assailant.


New member
Happy New Year to you too. :)


On double action, without a hammer cock, you have a long draw to fire. Up close it's a hit, but 15'-20' it's most often a miss.
15'-20'? You must not get out much. :rolleyes:

At 15-20 yards, its head shots. :D


New member
^^^^ 15' to 20' is no problem. Often a miss? Don't do much da shooting do you? Btw. Happy new year. Dang it should post pic of my carry lcr and kershaw. But I am lame and don't post pics. :(


New member
Up close it's a hit, but 15'-20' it's most often a miss.

What does that even mean????? I shoot 8" steel falling plates at 40 yards with one of these. 20 feet??????? You should practice more.