Happy 4th of July...

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New member
Just a note to wish everyone a Happy and Safe 4th of July.

Too, this might be a good opportunity to remind ourselves of safe gun handling this weekend.

What are some safe gun handling tips that we may forget or overlook during our weekend activities?

I'll start.

Alcohol and guns don't mix. If you have company over for the holidays and shooting/alcohol is involved, also watch that guest don't handle guns if they've been drinking.


New member
I'll start.

Alcohol and guns don't mix. If you have company over for the holidays and shooting/alcohol is involved, also watch that guest don't handle guns if they've been drinking.

Having your friends say:

(drunken slur) We aint got now fireworks, so why don ya wack off some rounds from your pistol/rifle/shotgun

Ummmm been to a couple of parties like that, I left real quick.

Happy 4th everyone

Be safe :)

BTW, if you don't have a Veteran in the family, shake the hand of one.

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New member
The 1st Law - The Gun Is Always Loaded!

The 2nd Law - Never Point The Gun At Something You Are Not Prepared To Destroy!

The 3rd Law - Always Be Sure Of Your Target And What Is Behind It!

The 4th Law - Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until Your Sights Are On The Target!

While they didn't write the above.
235 years ago a bunch of guys finally agreed on and signed the Declaration of independence.

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Have fun however you decide to celebrate. Just don't blow any fingers off.


New member
Thanks for that link Buzz... I just read through the whole of it... and it was most inspiring on this particular day. I'm reminded of the great sequence in the recently produced "John Adams" series (the Paul Giamatti one) which portrays the conversations between Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson regarding the wording of it... Wonderful scenes and dialogue. I highly recommend it.


New member
Happy 4th of July to everyone as well. It makes me want to go outside and fire into the air "Mexican" style however that would be extremely stupid :eek:.


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@ Carry 24/7 LOL that would be awesome with two SAA wheelguns. Those are my fireworks. I would have a 500rd box of them lol.


New member
Any type of SmokeWagon will do as long as I got plenty of extra loud blanks :D. Some 1/4 sticks of dynamite taped together like the real stuff would be cool.


Pardon me for being so serious...

Uh, it happens to be celebrated on July 4th, but the holiday is not "The Fourth of July", it's Independence Day. Let's all strive to remind people of that.

Unfortunately, for many US residents nowadays (I purposely said "residents" instead of "citizens") it's merely "Fireworks Day" (in the same way that the holiday we celebrate at the end of November has become merely "Turkey Day").

And although the fireworks are meant to evoke "the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air", precious few have even a clue what is being commemorated. In my neighborhood, it seems that the folks who shoot off the most fireworks are those who have no interest in becoming citizens or even in learning English (let alone learning American History, as if that were still being taught)!

And then we have those numbnuts who fire guns in the air. I seriously doubt that they are veterans, or NRA members, or licensed CC'ers. Their lack of fire discipline is indicative of their lack of the kind of discipline that would make them responsible gun owners.

On the TV news just now was a story of a little girl in my metropolitan area who was wounded in the neck by "a stray bullet". The newscasters use that term "stray bullet" the way they say a gun "went off", as if it's just an accident of happenstance, rather than the result of someone's willful (and criminal) negligence.


New member
Good post Ringo.

As far as the 'shooting in the air' thing goes. Seems as though every year at this time there are incidents where people/objects are hit by strays. Whether guns being shot in the air or people that don't shoot much, stepping outside and rattling a few shots off without a secure backstop.


New member
I shot some mighty big guns, 3 parties of 1.3g 4in shells and 3 in titanium salutes. Rocked the hills, 3 nights of it. Had some cakes were 200 shot with electric fire. Blew away the consumer stuff most were doing.


New member
Happy 4th :)

No country is perfect but America is at the very least a good start:p. Attempt at humour aside, America has a lot to be very proud of and worth a celebration.:)
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And my nephew got back from his Marine Corp stint, safe and sound. So I shook his hand and gave him a big Uncle Mark hug.... actually there were quite a few older soldiers there, USAF, USMC, was a great time.


New member
And my nephew got back from his Marine Corp stint, safe and sound.

Give a handshake for me and tell him I said "great work and stay safe"
Ooh-rah.................. for him.

BMCS (SW/DV) ret.


New member
Give a handshake for me and tell him I said "great work and stay safe"
Ooh-rah.................. for him.

I will, and thanks to you sir.

I hugged him for a long time, he was my hunting buddy since he was 8. His Dad had nothing to do with the lad so me and my brother stepped in and helped out.

Was my birthday too :) I used to think it was all for me, the cake, fireworks, yep just for me :)


New member
His dad had nothing to do with the lad so me and my brother stepped in and helped out.

Shake his hand and Thank him for me too.

Kudo's to you and your brother for helping him to become the man he is today.;)
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