Hands too small


New member
Can the CZ75B's loooong DA first shot trigger pull be shortened? I really like the pistol and it shoots great, but I have trouble with the first shot DA with my small reach. Has anyone heard of any short-reach triggers or short trigger reset mods for the CZ?
At half cock I have no problem, but USPA says "Fully Decocked".

SIG P239


New member
The CZ-75B Stainless, P-01 and Sp-01 all have triggers with more of a curve, they are supposed to have a little shorter reach.


New member
You're not going to be a happy-camper with the problem described...Find a compact pistol that ergonomically feels good & fits your hand...Good searching....:)


New member
I shoot the CZ 75B pretty well but have to slow way down on the first pull. My P239 fits like a glove, shoots like a dream and is great for CC; but I want the high cap mags and longer barrel for USPA. I really like the CZ .
I wonder if the P01 or SP01 triggers would fit the 75B? Hmmmm.


New member
The new style curved CZ triggers do fit the standard CZ75Bs. Some of the stainless steel CZ75Bs are shipped with the new curved triggers. I changed my own 99 CZ75B trigger with the newer one, they are exactly drop in. The trigger reach improved considerably.
Keeping the CZ in the half cock position also improves the trigger reach in double action mode.


New member

I did use the Sig for awhile, and I did shoot faster with the Sig. The CZ knocks down steel better than the Sig did, my CZ double taps are also a little better (weight and balance) and I,m not partial to the Sig 10-round extended mags.

The CZ's longer barrel probably gives a little more punch while decreasing the percieved recoil. I shoot 124gr FMJ 9mm at about 1050fps rating in a 4" barrel.


New member
I've read the CZ's odd size 'hollow' pins make it harder to work on. I'm just surprised nobody talks about "Go-to guys" to rework CZs.


New member
The decock models of the CZ-75 decock to half-cock. So simply leave your CZ-75B at halfcock and it will shorten the distance in DA pull. Works great


New member
How about a Sig 225? The butt is about the same size as the 239, but the barrel is longer (as is the sight radius), police turn in P6s can be had for $300 + shipping, and pro-mag makes 10rnd mags, some of which actually work.

Walt Sherrill

New member
As EIGHTYDUECE said, you can carry on half-cock. (Because the gun has a firing pin safety, its perfectly safe to do so -- the firing pin can't go forwad unless the trigger is pulled fully to the rear.)

You can also carry the standard 75B cocked and locked like a 1911.... which shortens the trigger considerably. (If you get comfortable with THAT, you can convert to SA only, and install the thin, straighter SA trigger, which can be hand with both take-up and over-travel adjustments.)

Boris Bush

I have a CZ-75 compact and when I read the manual..... GASPS...... It said to pull trigger and release it then let down the hammer, when you do it as the manual says, it goes to half cock. If you ride the hammer all the way down with your finger on the trigger, then that is what they would call dangerous bucause as long as that trigger is pulled, the firing pin block is in the fire position..........


New member
USPSA Rules: "Must be 'FULLY' decocked.

If I were carrying or just plinking with my 75B I'd use half-cock carry, but USPSA rules say first shot Must start in the fully decocked position.
I practice DA first shots and do okay....I was just hoping there were CZ mods like Sig offers for their DA-SA pistols. Apparently not.

Boris Bush The 75B will go to half-cock from full hammer down or from fully cocked. I always feel a little safer pulling back from full hammer down (no trigger pressure required and it can't fire). It will even half-cock using the DA trigger if you go slow but I don't believe that would be the recommended practice. :)
Another thread is discussing this pistol's cocking/decocking quirks.


Do yourself a favor a get yourself a Browning Hi power.

I love the CZ 75B but if you have small hands it just won't work.


New member

If you get a Hi power you must carry cocked & locked. You can do that with a CZ75B also and there will be no trigger reach probs. At least with the CZ, you have the option to carry DA



If you get a Hi power you must carry cocked & locked. You can do that with a CZ75B also and there will be no trigger reach probs. At least with the CZ, you have the option to carry DA

Great you are suggesting a DA trigger that you cannot reach properly instead of a proven cocked and lock pistol.


New member
No, The CZ75B can be carried cocked and locked just like the Hi-power. Just because it can be carried DA does not mean you have to.


No, The CZ75B can be carried cocked and locked just like the Hi-power. Just because it can be carried DA does not mean you have to.

Why are you turning this into a pissing contest. I see this all the time. People try to shoe horn themselves into a gun that does not fit them. I always ask why?

I have owned a CZ75B and experienced the same issues this gentleman is having. I also own a P01 which has much shorter length of pull and works perfectly for me.

If you have smaller hands even with the curved trigger 95% of small handed people will be holding the CZ75B incorrectly. Do what you want and suggest what you want but quit the pissing contest language. It serves no one.

P.S. The OP is asking about the DA trigger. He does not want to carry the gun he is shooting in USPSA which requires a fully de-cocked DA. I suggested a Hi-power as an alternative