Handling Anti's (Like those on the befearless chat room)


New member
Well I just got off the chat room over at befearless where a number of our members are being extremely insulting and doing nothing to further the cause.

Look, If you are going to engage in a debate with anti-gunners, resorting to insults and profanity does nothing for the cause. In fact all that you do is solidifiy in the anti's mind thier stereotype of a gun owner. If you have no control over your tonque (Keyboard), How are you going to have control over your gun. Who on earth wants to give a carry permit to someone who spout off with c#nt, and BITCH. If that is your level of discussion, pure AD-Hominums, then please stay out of the discussion as you are doing damage to the cause. Vote please, but do not disgrace yourself.

I felt shame at being a gun owner with some of the comments that were said on that board.

Was I the only one?

"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities...Because it is the quality that guarantees all others"

"If we go on waiting upon events, how much shall we throw away our resources now available for our security"

"Where there is a great amount of free speech, there is always a certain amount of foolish speech"

Winston S. Churchill


New member
No you were not the only one - see the reply to my post. The last time I post an anti chat alert.


New member
Do you have an link for these forums? I'm not much for piping in but I would like to see their logic on gun issues.

Don't give up too much ground. You'll have none to Stand on...


New member
I have to agree with pittspilot.We did`nt help ourselves in there last night.



I started to "chime in" on that one but I have learned that no amount of logic will prevail in the face of "feelings". Taking your anger out on them just reinforces their cause, not taking your anger out on them just reinforces thier cause. You can't argue with these people so what the heck, I say call them names but don't use profanity. There is no call for that and it won't futher our cause. We need to take them out of the game legally and build support with others. Their operation has functioned illegally for a year. Write your call the IRS then call your congress and complain till someone listens. That is a better use of your valuable time than calling a "c**t" a c**t"!


New member
With the head demons online I'm not surprised ( I'm sure everyone here has secretly wished they could angry pimp slap Donna Dees Thomasess at least once ;) ) but the message board area has been handled well enough that even the anti's admitted that it was civil.


New member
Calling names, even with profanity, is a useless tactic.

Funny, if you take a tactical class, such tactics are to be avoided as you might be seen as provoking a fight. However, on the internet it is OK?

I said this once before, that we ourselves are half the problem. I said something about a possible Bush proposal and a moderator acted like a child.

Tommy Gun

New member
The format was not suited to a large group chat. It was chaotic and very few individuals actually engaged in any meaningful one on one discussion. The moms were not so well behaved either. I did notice that some of the moms were willing to do some of their own research beyond what they presently know. Got to be a positive.

The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with the destruction of the truth.
William J. Clinton, President
At the University of Connecticut, Oct 15 1995

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Not that I am an expert, but have you considered imagining that you are a moderator of the chat when others provoke you? Hold yourself to a higher standard no matter what the provocations...that way you'd impress the neutrals and lurkers.

Oleg "bigmouth" VOlk

MP Freeman

New member
Gee guys,

I wish I could have got on. Everytime I tried to go there, the system crashed.

I felt like a mime trying to get out of an invisible box. :(