Handled an HK USP 45 yesterday

Futo Inu

New member
And man am I impressed. Aside from the 2-round-castrated mags, this is an outstanding pistol, for a full size (not news to most, of course). Of course the fit and finish were excellent, but particularly impressive are the:

1. Longer trigger guard for quick trigger acquisition and use with gloved hand.
2. Decocking/safety lever (and second-strike capability of weapon).
3. Ambi mag release that is "push down" instead of "push across" with makes it much easier to operate without changing gun position (without taking off target). Great for quick mag changing while engaging same target.

Also had the slide release that could actually be worked with thumb without a lot of strain (unlike Glock), and the accessory rail is a nice touch of course. I suppose these days, most all plastic guns come with acc. rails, but...


New member
Hey what's new? :D

The H&Ks I've fired have shot as good as they look too.

I particularly like the magazine release. For me it is much faster and more natural than the "normal" style of release. I've gotten to the point where I use both my thumb and trigger finger on the release at the same time. It is quick, positive and I'm able to do it without changing my grip enough to bother me.

I think accesory rails are kind of like four wheel drive. . . everybody wants it, very few use it once they get it. If you use it it is a "must have". If you aren't sure if you'll use it, you probably won't.



New member
The USP 45 is one of my favorites. Shot almost 10k rounds through it last year w/o a single hiccup.


New member
Get one. Just don't be like me and worry about firing pin problems. Get it, shoot it, and enjoy it.


New member
Hk's rule, hey what else is new? :D

What I need to know is why you finished your statement with a "but..."? Well??? :confused:


New member

I love this pistol. Just got back from the range and again I am amazed at how accurate this gun is. Completly reliable and easy to shoot.


New member
The USP 45 is one of my favorites. Shot almost 10k rounds through it last year w/o a single hiccup.

Hey Kermit, you say that about EVERY H&K!

"The P7M8 is one of my favorites, you should buy one."
"The USP45 Compact is my favorite .45."
"The USP45 Expert is my favorite .45"
"The USP45 Fullsize is my favorite .45"
"I like the 9mm. The USP9 Fullsize is one sweet shooting gun."
"I like the 9mm. The USP9 Compack [sic] is one sweet shooting gun."

ROR ;) And I WILL have as large as an HK collection as you one day, mark my words ;) :) :D


New member
All hail the USP45! :)

It's definitely one of the finest .45's I have ever shot, regardless of price or pedigree. I love mine, and the only thing I would trade it for is a USP45 Tactical!

Don't forget that the 10-round mags ACTUALLY hold 10 rounds, unlike those from Glock! I own a Glock 30, and owned a Glock 21. Between the 7 10-rounders I have owned for both of those guns, only one of them actually held 10 rounds easily when new.


New member
I've had one of these USP 45's for about 18 months, and I also think it's a great gun. It is not as accurate for me as a good 1911, but I would prefer it in a defensive role because of the USP's reliability, lighter weight than a steel 1911, larger magazine capacity, and sturdy construction. And the accuracy is certainly adequate for defensive use.


New member
Be sure to handle a .45 full size, and a .45 compact side-by-side.
I thought I would like the full size more, but I liked the compact better because I could reach the mag release, the slide release, and manipulate the function lever to safe, to fire, and to decock without changing my grip on the gun.
Mine happens to be a sweet shooter, too.


New member
Im glad to hear this you guy's, as I just brought mine home from the dealer today, still havent fired it so I cant comment on it, I will give out a range report soon, thou Im sure it will sound like all the other reports!!;)