handi in 7.62x54r


New member
i have been seeing 7.62x54r at prices practically at the 22lr level. i started to get a mossin just so i could have a rifle for this ammo, but after inspecting a mossin up close i thought i could do better. Now i am thinking somebody must have a NEF, HR, in this caliber. I would like to know specs on barrel, who has done the conversion.


New member
I don't know if you could take an NEF barrel in 7.62x39 and rechamber it. Alot of that depends on the geometry of the barrel. The 54r would stress the action much more than the 39 due to head thrust. The cost would be prohibitive IMHO, cheaper to find a clean Fin M39.


New member
Really why bother when you can get a real WWII Mosin for less than a BBL would cost! Mosin Nagants are far more fun just maybe not as accurate.


New member
maybe i should forward this idea to the mfg. i would think if the rifle could handle 3006 it could take 7.62x54.


Sounds like a good idea to me. The guns can definitely take the pressure. The question is, is there a factory barrel with the proper bore dimensions? If so, it would be a simple conversion.


New member
my 100 dollar 91/30 can hit a 6'' cardboard box at 100 yards with iron sights.....what the hell do you expect for 100 bucks?? just get yerself a nice mosin nagant and start shooting.....