Handguns on National Park Service Land?

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Doug S

New member
Is it legal to carry concealed on NPS land. I'm assuming it's probably not legal, but would appreciate any information concerning this topic.


New member
Federally owned land and cannot carry a gun into a national park. However if I were you I would take it and not say anything. If you are a normal law abiding citizen (I am assumming you are) and don't go toting it around the park, you shouldn't have a problem. That way if you encounter some animal attacks or an intruder in the tent or something along those lines you can use it to defend yourself. Better to have it and suffer the concenquences since you are alive then to be dead and wish you had it. Keep in mind that it is illegal to bring a firearm into a national park.


New member
I second ravens comment. Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6. Depends where you are, I carry if in Glacier or Yellowstone. They have had hiker(s) killed in Glacier over the last few years. We have quite a problem with cougars around my place too. Obviously still have the problem with the 2 legged critters anywhere. Granted a CCW gun probably isn't going to do much to a griz', but it sure beats a stick.



New member
Wasn't it Bill Clinton that said:

Don't ask, don't tell.
Get caught, lie like hell.

Wear your PFD

Mal H

This is more of a legal issue than a handgun issue. I'll move it over to the Legal and Political forum...
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