Handguns in PA State Parks

Doug S

New member
Yesterday may family and I spent the day hiking in one of the local state parks. I wanted to take my pistol along, but I was unable to find much information concerning this so I left it behind. While there I got the opportunity to ask a Ranger about carrying a handgun in the State Parks. He was polite, but stated that it was prohibited. He also stated that he has caught a number of people with handguns (outside of hunting season) and his response has always been to ask them to lock the gun in their vehicle's trunk. He stated that other officers may respond differently and that there is a potential $300 fine. I then asked about having a gun locked in your trunk, and he responded by saying that if they didn't know about it then its not an issue. I was wondering how TFL members in PA handle this situation. Do you carry concealed or do you leave your gun behind? We went into some pretty remote areas and it would have been nice to carry. Also does anyone have any specific information concerning this regulation and potential penalties? I am planning a camping trip for next weekend and haven't made up my mind as to whether or not I'll take a gun along. Thanks for any info.


New member
Discretion is always the best way to go.

I am curious how the ranger caught so many folks carrying...were the guns exposed?

I don't carry every where in PA, but almost everywhere. The gun is always well concealed but at the ready.

So...carry, but be discrete.


New member
One interesting question, which I don't know the answer to, is why can't you carry concealed with a CCW in the state parks? To my knowledge, that is not mentioned as a restricted area for carry... If I'm in a park hiking, I carry, but I don't advertise it.

Doug S

New member
The only details the Ranger provided about who he had caught were at least a couple of individuals who had a guns under their shirts. I believe he said in shoulder holsters. I've been reading through some materials that I picked up at the park this evening. One is a recreational guide and the other is a campsite map and guide. Both guides have the following section under Hunting and Hunting and firearms: "Firarms and archery equipment may be uncased and ready for use only in authorized hunting areas during hunting seasons. In areas not open to hunting or during non-hunting seasons, firearms and archery equipment must be kept in the owner's car, trailer or camp."

If I'm reading this correctly then it seems that I should be allowed to have a firearm while camping.


New member
Don't know when this rule started and what the cause of it was but it is one of the very few restrictions on concealed carry in PA.


New member
I have a problem with this as well -- I occasionally hike in somewhat remote areas, sometimes alone, and I am uncomfortable doing so unarmed. I have read the same park literature you have and came to the conclusion that it is probably not legal to carry concealed. I won't tell you to do it anyway, but if you do, just be very discrete about it. A fanny pack of the appropriate type is a standard hiking accouterment and should not raise suspicion unless you're doing something else you shouldn't be. Best wishes.


New member
RON in PA,

Since the state has chosen to delete the web pages on the Uniform Firearms Regulations and leave a "content being updated" message for over a year, where do you find this info? I'm curious if this is an actual law, or something that the parks just try to convince you is law.

Steve in PA

New member
I would ask him to make reference to the section(s) that he would be enforcing since I can not find any reference to them. I did find this section which should help with your decision to carry in the parks. Pay special attention to the fact that it only says it is illegal to hunt, take game or discharge a weapon in restricted areas (not illegal to carry).

34 Pa. C.S. @ 2508 Protection of institutuions, parks and resorts.

2508 (a) General rule - It is unlawful for any person to hunt for or take any game or wildlife or to discharge a firearm or bow of any description into or upon any of the following areas:
(1) The lands, water or premises of any public or private hospital or sanatorium or health care facility.
(2) The lands, waters or premises of any park, or resort set aside for the use of the public where people may congregate in the open for health, recreation or pleasure.
(3) The lands, waters or premises of any publicly owned institution where people are hospitalized, quartered or incarcerated at public expense.

Again, from this I would say that there is nothing prohibiting a person from carrying with a CCW in the park. The above section was taken from a publication entitled "Pennsylvania Laws Relating To Firearms" compiled by the Legislative Reference Bureau, Harrisburg PA, revised March 1, 2000. I obtained this from State Senator Raphael J. Musto 14th Senatorial District. I would imagine your local state senator could supply you with a copy.

Doug S

New member
Some of this information can be found on The Pennsylvania Code Webpage. I found this by going into Packing.org, choosing Pennsylvania, and clicking on Pennsylvania Laws. This brings up the website. I did a search using the keyword "firearms" on the PA Code site.


New member
That part about not discharging your pistol in certain areas is certainly reasonable, but as you say, it doesn't prohibit carry. I suspect that if I had to defend myself in the park, I'd figure that it's better to be around to face the music than to be buried in the park! :D

FWIW, I did go to packing.org and download the PA stuff, but I'd like to get it right from the horse's mouth, i.e. the PA state web site! If they'd just get off their duff and post it! :(