Handguns are sub-lethal?


New member
That statement should be taken in context.

How was it used? As a battering club, maybe handguns are sub-lethal ("below" + "deadly" or not deadly enough).

To be used as they're meant to be, they're super-lethal to any man, as if there's such a state that's deader than dead. ;):D


New member
I shoot to stop. If the SOB dies in the process of me stopping him, then it's his fault for dying!! He should not have been doing that which caused me to stop him in the first place. Conversly, if he just happens to live, then my handgun was sub-lethal!! ;)


New member
Maybe SOME PEOPLE'S handguns are sub-lethal... but Iam positive that MINE (though not tested) will be lethal if needed!


New member
To the dog where I have tested my .45, the beast have just stopped to where he is standing and fell to the ground for a few seconds.

I've tried my 9mm to another dog, the beast received 4 bullets but made him run faster.

The bullets I have shot were all implanted to the body where the ribs enclosed all the main organ.

Thats how lethal a handgun. ;)


New member
Ok, it's a rainy day, so I'll bite...

I personally witnessed a friend roll a pitbull mix at an incredible range (circa 75yards or so) with a Kimber Custom Classic using premium 230gr JHPs of some sort. He maintains it was skill, I insist is was luck (it was a "you'd have to see it to believe it" type scenario).

But without a doubt, that .45acp turned him a flip from a dead run. I would bet he was long dead before he even finished rolling. Never in my life have I seen anything like it. He lost fewer chickens that year it turns out.

Personally, I've turned a feral tomcat into jelly inside the same friend's barn using Trition 115gr Quik-Shok from a K9. Had it been a dog, I'd expect the results to have been similar.

So, in my opinion, as I'm sure you've heard hundreds of times before, placement counts.


New member
IIRC, the FBI's UCR details that only about 1 in 4 die from HG shots. IOW, 75% of the goblins survive. Long guns more than double the lethality.


Handguns are sub-lethal in the sense that a hit does not necessarily mean a kill. Compared to battle rifles, assault rifles, and crew-served weapons, handguns ARE something to sneeze at.

Would I willingly take a hit from ANY handgun? HELL NO!


New member
To the dog where I have tested my .45, the beast have just stopped to where he is standing and fell to the ground for a few seconds.

I've tried my 9mm to another dog, the beast received 4 bullets but made him run faster.

The bullets I have shot were all implanted to the body where the ribs enclosed all the main organ.

Thats how lethal a handgun. ;)

Now that's what I'm talking about...

Jim March

New member
Everything I've shot with .38+P was dead after being hit.

Then again, technically, the paper targets were dead BEFORE I shot 'em to death :D.