handguncontrolinc.org screws overseas gun grabbers

simonov jr

New member
Hopefully many of you know about our parody websites www.handguncontrolinc.org and www.sarahbradycampaign.org. We have now secured www.guncontrolnetwork.org (for UK), www.guncontrolaustralia.org, www.guncontrolalliance.org (s. africa) and www.coalitionforguncontrol.org (canada) and are busy putting the screws to the various overseas socialist organizations too stupid to grab their own internet namesakes...You know, after watching us do it to HCI for two years, you'd think they would have spent the $10 a year. You'd have been wrong...Now we're giving them the old Northern Kentucky treatment (No KY, that is ; ) enjoy...;)


New member
I love it Simonov!!! I hope "weeping" Wendy Cukier (the Canadian "Sarah Brady" blows a gasket when she sees it:) :) :) )

simonov jr

New member
What search engine for canada?

Hey sdc, we are pending on Yahoo canada. What is the major search engine or engines up there we should get registered with?