Handgun shopping depression.


New member
I just returned from another unproductive handgun shopping excursion. The show cases are empty, the prices have sky rocketed and the waiting lists are out of control. More than one gun store told me they are not even taking deposits on certain models. It is a bit scary at least here in NY. I recently checked Davidson's online and Buds gun shop, they both have extremely low inventory levels. 1911's are beyond scarce. Some polymers still exist, but even they are at lower inventory levels. I sincerely hope this is not a sign of times to come.


New member
People are arming themselves because of the threat from the Obamanation!!

The anti Christ has already said that he wants his own private army, probably made up of inner city gang punks!!


New member
Its concentrated very heavily in big cities. Small town shops are doing about the same thing, but not with the same severity and speed.

If you can find a store in a smaller town within driving distance you might have better luck.


New member
Having looked at shops on LI, NY I'm wondering how much worse the prices could get?!:eek: Up here it's all about the same. The assault rifles maybe going quicker but there's still plenty to find without crazy stupid prices. handguns, at least what I'm interested in are in abudance both new and used.


New member
There`s an unmistakeable buying spree around here. Especially in 38 cal. airweights and ammo. Friday(2-13) I was looking for two S&W 442`s. Called a place here named Ohio Valley. They`ve got 5 rather large gun stores(spread in different small towns). Then called a large gun store in Cols. Oh. called Vances. No luck. Finally found two at place called Buckeye Outdoors. Last two he had. The guys that were wanting these guns just got their CCP. We load up in the car,drive roughly 45 mi. to gunshop. After taking a number at the counter we waited better than 45 mins. till number called. Guns were paid for,the paperwork filled out and the call to Virginia made. Both guys were delayed with no reason given. Guys can go back the 20th and pick guns up whether ATF calls or not(they can go back earlier if ATF calls):rolleyes:. On the way home both asked if this is what you have to go through everytime you buy a gun. I wonder after talking to many gunshops if the business is booming at such a rate that ATF can`t keep up???


New member
Hmmm..everything selling out, eh? Nothing left. Ruthless exploitation. Maybe it is time to clear the dogs out of my safe! Nyaa-ah-ahhh! :D

fat old gun nut

New member
handgun sales

Blasters , Melrose,Fl business has been at +500% . On Christmas eve they sold out of semi-auto rifles and handguns. Reorders are slow in arriving.


New member
There seem to be enough guns out here in AZ, at least handguns.

AKs, ARs, and ammo of all kinds is what's missing.
Same here. Can get pretty much whatever hand gun you want, ARs are few and far between.
In my neck of the woods there are almost no handguns anywhere but Academy and Gander Mountain, even GM's over-priced stuff is selling like hotcakes.

I was wondering why people were buying up 1911's like hotcakes??? I understand hi-cap polymers but low-cap .45's? Those would be the last knee-jerk purchases I'd expect to see.

My local Kimber dealer usually has at least 10 in stock, there were ZERO in the case. He had a few compact Glocks, just got a new batch of Springfield Armory XD's/XDM's in that were being bought as I came in. No Sig's, HK's, FN's, just a handful of compacts and snubs.

I have spoken to a few "old times" who say there's always a mad dash after an election, but can't recall anything this drastic. Anyone want to venture a guess as to when this stockpiling frenzy will end? Hopefully when it's all said and done with the used gun market will be looking very nice.

EDIT: Semi-auto rifles and shotguns are almost a distant memory around here.

Shadi Khalil

New member
I watched someone pay 600 for a used P239 this weekend. No box, no manual, one mag. He went with used because the new one was almost 750. This is a guns store in MD I had never been too but the high prices are pretty wide spread.


New member

That's what I'm doing. My local dealers need more stock and the prices to me are very good. I'll keep the best and just thin out the herd.


New member
Part Obama, part mass hysteria but either way you look at it, the gun industry is doing well. There are a lot of first time buyers right now, which is great for the shooting sports in general.

The ammo hoarding though, that is something else....


New member
I was wondering why people were buying up 1911's like hotcakes??? I understand hi-cap polymers but low-cap .45's? Those would be the last knee-jerk purchases I'd expect to see.

Look at NY, there is no such thing as a high capacity polymer or any other high capacity here. The Brady Bill is (unfortunately) alive and well here. We are restricted to 10 round maximum. Try to find a mid range or high end 1911 here. They are all gone.


I went to gander mountain just to browse, and couldn't get ANY help. If wasn't even busy. So i told the manager that I had cash to buy today and told him I'd take my business elsewhere...I hate that place.


New member
Here in Chattanooga, Sportsman's shelves are just about always empty. I believe they are deliberately not filling their shelves. Why? I don't know...but the "mom and pop" stores are well-stocked, and they are ALWAYS busy!

(Guess where I shop now?)

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
You can look at my thread about gun shows in the General subforum. Plenty of guns in TX. At the big box stores and shows. The good private stores have them. Some models like the Ruger LCP are back ordered.

Cabelas is running sales - so they are getting product.


New member
Here, in Tucson, there doesn't seem to be a problem with getting the piece you want. There are a number of independent shops and one is pretty sure to have what you want. Ammo is another thing. 38,380,32 are really hard to come by. However, I am able to get whatever I want on the internet. Ammunition to go, SOG, J&G and others seem to have what I need at fairly good prices. Shipping costs are leveled out by no sales tax.:D