Handgun shooting skill?


New member
What is considered good accuracy with a service pistol at 50 feet? Like a 10 round group standing with no assist. Im just curious how i compare to other handgun shooters. Im talking skill of the shooter i know most pistols are more accurate then the shooters. What kind of groups do yall get?


New member
At 50 feet I would expect to keep them in an 8-10" circle. The exception being my Blackhawk. I expect a 6" group at 25 yds with it and my handloads iron sighted. My eyes aren't what they used to be.
At 50 feet, almost any modern handgun in working order should be capable of 1" groups. Now, that's mechanical accuracy we're talking about.

The human element is the main deciding factor. However, with the right fundamentals and practice, 2-4" groups are very attainable for most folks.


New member
Slow fire, unsupported and standing with any of my 1911 pistols I would be mad at myself if I shot worse than 3" groups at 15yds (45ft). 50ft? I would say the same. I can consistently group 5" at 25yds standing with no support.

Quick fire at 15yds and my groups open up to about 10". I see no reason to do a mag dump at 25yds with a pistol.


New member
Under 6" at 15 yards is good, solid shooting.

I've been shooting handguns seriously for about 20 years and my own standard is 4" or less at 25 yards, even with a Glock and plated bullets.



New member
Lots of claims about accuracy here. Would love to personally see everyone here get what they're claiming. I am not saying everyone is lying, but the folks here are, IMO, above the standard shooter. See following post for more details.
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New member
Nothing I've seen here that looks questionable, Rat. When I was a kid (yes, cartridge firearms HAD been introduced) I shot with an informal bullseye group that met twice a month. This was just a bunch of guys who were trying to improve themselves, but the majority could keep five shots on a softball at 25 yards, most of the time.

This was shooting one hand unsupported. A couple of the guys used K38's and one used a 1911 converted for .38 wadcutters... and those three could flat stack 'em on a calm afternoon.
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New member
Big difference between questionable and representative of the average shooter. What we have here is a sample of relatively dedicated shooters who probably practice far and above what the "average" shooter does. I go to ranges, public and private, all the time. The "average" shooter is no where near what you're describing. For a relatively dedicated shooter, yeah I can see it no problem. But then we have to define what "average" is, because average for this forum is not average for every Joe out there.


New member
Well since the OP is asking people on a gun forum, he's not going to get answers from the average shooter.

most of us here are more dedicated than average, and since he has signed up here, he is likely striving to be better than average as well.
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New member
Well since the OP is asking people on a gun forum, he's not going to get answers from the average shooter.

most of us here are more dedicated than average, and since he has signed up here, he is likely striving to be better than average as well.

He asked how he stacked up to other shooters. I am just expressing my belief that other shooters aren't exactly the same as what is found here. The more better for him to know. :) The beauty of forums, getting to express opinions. This is mine. You are certainly entitled to yours.

Part of my reason for doing this I don't want some poor person to come along and think they suck just because they aren't getting 4" groups at 25 yds. The people that come to this forum are likely much more dedicated and I want them to realize that being dedicated is a principal step to being a good shooter.
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New member
I'm 63 and wear bi-focals. I usually shoot B-8 targets. The 9 & 10 rings are blacked in and measure 5 1/2" in diameter. If I can keep all 10 shots in the black at 15 yards, two hands, standing, then I feel like I'm shooting fairly good for a non-competition shooter. Most people I've watched at indoor ranges don't usually shoot that good.


New member
Most people I see at the range don't put all their shots in a 5" circle at 10 yds. That's most people though. I'd wager many of us visit the range multiple times a week and put many hundreds of rounds downrange every week. I typically put 1000+ rounds downrange every week.

With how much I shoot I personally think I'm a horrible shot with a handgun and I'm just a fair shooter with a rifle. I know other guys who shoot less than I do and can out shoot me any day with my own firearms.

All that said I think for your AVERAGE shooter 6" @ 10yds is quite respectable.

I love all the looks I get when I peg bowling pins at 50 yds with a 1911 using iron sights.


New member
Tell me about it. Even with reloads I'm spending about $7,000 a year just on .223 feeding my ARs.

Add in .45acp, .44mag, .22lr and 12ga. ammo and the cost gets pretty high up there.

My wife keeps telling me if I stopped shooting for two years we could probably afford to buy a brand new pickup truck for my work. Personally I'm content driving my rusty 94 suburban so I can keep shooting. Imagine how bad a shot I'd be if I didn't keep practicing?


New member
What is considered good accuracy with a service pistol at 50 feet? Like a 10 round group standing with no assist. Im just curious how i compare to other handgun shooters. Im talking skill of the shooter i know most pistols are more accurate then the shooters. What kind of groups do yall get?

My standard reply is, IMO, a good (but not excellent) shooter can shoot 3" @ 25 (2" @ 50ft) yards with a reasonably accurate service-size handgun. That's an honest & consistent 5-shot group, shot unsupported. "Honest" means everything counts (no "fliers"), and "consistent" means this is what they can typically do on demand.

It's true that 2" @ 50ft is well beyond what you'll typically see at the range, and it's better than most "dedicated shooters" will shoot (which is why I called it "good"), but many competitive shooters are able to do considerably better (which is why I only called it "good").

As Tom Servo indicated, with good practice & some instruction, 2-4" groups are very achievable.


New member
Thirty years ago, I shot bullseye a lot, ISU, pistol, .32 S&W Walther GSP?
Shot possibles on occasion, ten rounds into a inch and a half, at 20 yds. One handed. I shot a lot!

Now at 76 YOA, I only shoot IDPA competition, with a Glock 19. Carry one too.

At 15 yds, a 6" circle with 5 rounds, respectable.

Looking for big improvements in accuracy? trigger is everything, your manipulation of it, how clean the release mechanically, the pistol.

And as many have stated, the members here are, I think, some of your more knowledgeable shooters, not your average range rats.
1000+ rounds each week!? i'm lucky to get 200 per month!

only going about once a month and keeping a gun rotation going,
i would say i shoot a gun in my collection once every 6 months if i really like it.

even at that kind of rotation, by the second mag, i'm grouped inside
4" at 15yds with any of my fullsized guns and some of my compacts.

now there are many other "shooters" at the range who take a body sized target
and have trouble keeping them all in the silhouette at 7yds. those rednecks
also look like they would have trouble keeping a steady job at burger king.