Handgun Safe Recommendations?


New member
Anyone have any good safe suggestions? I have 8 handguns in a locked closet and two sitting around for home defense. However the 8 is in their individual box that they were bought in and takes up a lot of space.

Any recommendations to save me some space so I can move the brand boxes in a storage shed instead?

I'm looking for a large one and preferably with pre-foam spots that will hold handguns.


New member
Any small rifle safe with shelves would work. Then buy the plastic-coated, light metal handgun racks that can be placed on each shelf which hold four or six each. My only advice, room permitting, is figure out how big of a safe you need now and buy one twice that size. Guns have a way of multiplying. Could get both safe and racks at any big box sporting goods store fairly cheaply.


New member
Yeah, I'd buy something that holds quite a few more than 10 guns. Might not ultimately save you any space, but unless you're about finished buying guns (and who could ever confidently say that? :D), you're going to need one anyway.

You should know, however, that gun safes are just RSCs, not true safes. Very few, if any, will be able to keep a skilled thief out for any real length of time unless you are able to eliminate all leverage points wherever you install it. Even then, with the vast majority of gun safes you'll just be causing an inconvenience.


New member
How about building out the closet to house your toys? I know someone who designed their house specifically with a "gun closet." It has a rifle rack and shelves for hand guns and supplies. It might be less expensive than a safe.

Big Shrek

New member
Kinda like having a quick-access handgun safe in every room...RFID makes it possible :)
Keeps them away from the kids, while giving very fast access to adults!

Build my own furniture, so its easy to install hidden compartments that unlock with RFID as I go...
there are others like Q-line who do all the hard work for you, but at a cost...

And, if nothing else, you can always go the Wild Wild West method...
old fashioned hidden panels with trips located away from the object :D