Handgun Myths


New member
I was wondering if any of you have any pieces of "knowledge" floating around out there that you know personally to be false. For example: "all Taurus guns are crap", or on the other side of the coin, "all Colts are amazing".


New member
"Jeff Cooper wasn't jealous of Jack Weaver".
Jeff, with his ego, would of loved: The Cooper Stance....How do I know? I know....:)
In the gun parlance, "You get what you pay for". The reality is: do not believe it.....


New member

The Glock Kaboom thing shows it's misinformed head once in a while. Some people will believe anything they hear or read about. Kinda reminds me of the global warming hype/religion.:barf:


New member
45 ACP Ball ammo will knock a guy over even if he's hit in the thumb. Hogwash. A buddy was hit in the shoulder and didn't even know he'd been hit until the guy that had the A.D. told him he'd been.


New member
10mm is nothing more than 40S&W.
10mm is vastly overpowerred for any defensive use.
10mm is a dead cartidge.
10mm will make you sterile.
10mm will destroy your gun.
Glocks do not need to be cleaned.
The only reliable 1911 is one that is loose.
You need to spend > $1,000 to get a good defensive handgun.
Revolvers are obsolete.


New member
Handguns are only for fighting your way to a rifle....

The 1911 is an afficiando's gun, DAO pistols are for those that don't posses the skill to master the 1911 (posted on this forum!!!!)


New member
I was amazed to find out that Glocks are not actually made of LEGOS. It sure looks like they are. Yeah, tell me I'm way off on this one. :D

Hard Ball

New member
"Glock Kaboom thing shows it's misinformed head once in a while"

Sorry, Glocks do Kaboom sometimes. I have seen two .40 S7W Glocks do it with serios damage tp the shooters.


New member
Only people who don't know how to handle a firearm will have AD's.

I have never had an AD in 35 years so I can't have one now.

If you learn to keep your finger off the trigger the gun will never go off accidently.


New member
"In the gun parlance, "You get what you pay for". The reality is: do not believe it....."

I actually believe that you *DO* get what you pay for most of the time. However, just because you pay more for something doesn't mean it is going to be "better" then the cheaper item.