Handgun fashion and a concealed carry mindset. (Long winded)


New member
So today I'm in my local book emporium enjoying a cup of coffee, a gun rag or two and a pile of novels that I'm going to buy next to me when in walk two gentlemen. Both were in their thirties and both are dressed in what I like to call urban "tactical". One guy is wearing khaki gargo pants with a t-shirt and a large, black fanny pack, the other one is wearing gargo shorts, a t-shirt and a photographer looking vest.

They amble over to the coffee counter and get their orders and me being the curious guy that I am keep a careful eye on them over the cover of the current issue of Guns and Ammo (it's concealed BTW inside a copy of MAXIM :D )Yep the guy with the vest is printing, behind the hip right side and the guy with the fanny pack hasn't lined up the velcro correctly. I on the other hand am reminded that I have a polo shirt on top of my g19 and start to wonder, hey am I printing as well? (good thing I was sitting in an armchair) BTW, I was wearing jeans and a dark polo.

Wouldn't you know it as I walk out, there they are as well. All of us holding our purchases in our left hands with car keys as well. We looked at each other, the soundtrack of "For a Few Dollars More" started playing in the background and with a casual nod to each other strolled on our way to our respective vehicles keeping a careful eye on where the other ones were.

Funny thing though, I don't think anyone else noticed anything, especially the cop sitting at the counter enjoying his coffee and cake.

Moral of this long winded tale is; People who own and carry a gun tend to look out for the signs in others, the rest remain blissfully obvious. Still, condition yellow is a good mindset to live in. Oh and I hope I never wear cargo pants with a fanny pack.


New member
I love asking off-duty cops which department they work for. It usually startles the crap out of them that someone might actually pay attention. But, c'mon, if I can see the nose of your Beretta peeking out from beneath your jacket, and a cuff holster on the other side, and a big star worn into the hip pocket of your jeans, it's not like I'm not gonna know. :)



New member
Back when I got out of the army I worked in a Foot Locker for a few months and once a guy came in with a big black fanny pack and took it off while he sat down and tried on his shoes. It made a loud "CLUNK" on the bench when he set it down. He had that look and I said "So, are you with the PD or the Sheriff's Department?"
He said "I am with the PD, but how'd you know?"
Oh just a lucky guess... :D


New member
Y'know sometimes its just amazing how obvious it is when you know what to look for.

(and i wasn't going to mention this, but... ahwhell..)

When i was at the recent public hearing of the Massachusetts Public Safety Committee (yes, at the Massachusetts State House) i noticed a man wearing jeans, a polo shirt and a 'baseball' jacket who was "checking to make sure that his jacket was riding as it should." ;)

This is a good time to remember that your concealment garment should NOT need to be adjusted to cover your concealed weapon. As such, you should NOT check to see that it is working every 15 minutes. :D

(I wonder what laws that guy was breaking :rolleyes: )


New member
"All of us holding our purchases in our left hands with car keys as well. We looked at each other, the soundtrack of "For a Few Dollars More" started playing in the background "

You compelled me to dig out my Ennio Morricone "Legendary Italian Westerns" CD.

Lyrics of Morricone's "A Gringo Like Me":

Keep your hand on your gun.
Don't you trust anyone.
There's just one kind of man that you can trust,
that's a dead man, or a Gringo like me.

Be the first one to fire.
Every man is a liar.
There's just one kind of man who tells the truth,
that's a dead man, or a Gringo like me.

Don't be a fool for a smile or a kiss
or your bullet might miss.
Keep your eye on your goal.

There's just one rule that can save you your life,
it's a hand on your knife
and the Devil in your soul.

Keep your hand on your gun.
Don't you trust anyone.
There's just one kind of man that you can trust,
that's a dead man, or a Gringo like me.



New member

Damn, I need that CD in my collection. :D Now if I can only remember who sings "The Gringo Pistolero" I read some of the lyrics on another board and forgot the name of the artist? Any ideas? :D