Hand gun buy back

fairview mick

New member
I was watching the local news in Cleveland, Ohio when they showed a clip of a gun buyback program in Akron, Ohio. There were the normal junkers, and then the officer who was logging the guns in picked up a revoler, rolled his eyes and entered into the log book a beautiful Colt Python, 4 inch blue. I almost went through the monitor. The person turning it in got a hundred dollar gift card.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Look at it this way, the value of 4" blued Pythons just increased a bit more.

Of course that Colt may have never made it to the melting pot

.45 Vet

New member
My take on government run gun buy-back programs...



New member
Bet they take to the station for "ballistics tests" at the very least, and keep it there!


New member
It's not a 'buyback' since the government didn't originally own the gun. It's nothing more than a publicity stunt. It would be nice if they made some effort to run serial numbers and reunite stolen property with the rightful owner but my guess is that they don't do this "in the interest of public safety".

Bill DeShivs

New member
Any Police department who does not check to see if the guns are stolen, and who does not return stolen guns to the rightful owner should be sued. Perhaps we could get the NRA involved, and do a class-action lawsuit?


New member
"Any Police department who does not check to see if the guns are stolen, and who does not return stolen guns to the rightful owner should be sued"

Any Law Enforcement official in charge of a "gun buy back program" that doesn't perform ballistics tests to ensure the weapons haven't been used in a crime should be charged with destroying evidence...


New member
I live in Twinsburg, Ohio. Right inbetween the two black holes of Cleveland and Akron, Ohio. These two big liberal cities have crime spikes like you wouldn't want to know. Pizza delivery guys getting robbed in Akron on a weekly basis and the local talk radio program is the only place to hear about it, (pro-gun, down to earth guys including x-cleveland browns Bob Golic :).
Yes, it's the old govement plan "if we get rid of guns, there will be no more crime" hummm.....where did i read that Mexico has more knife murders (3 times) then the USA has gun murders each year.
These are two cities that had enacted there own "assault gun" bans and made them stricker then Ohio or USA law.
It is all a PR stunt- "see we are doing something against crime."
A casual friend of mine said " I can't afford to move my family out of CLeveland." I responded " with only a 50% graduation rate and crime making up 78% of Cuyahoga counties crimes you can't afford NOT to move out of the hell hole of most big cities.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Performing "ballistics tests" would serve no purpose unless there is a known bullet to compare the tested bullet to. Plus, they buy the guns "no questions asked" and require no ID.
My point is that most of these departments do not run these guns on NCIC, and if they do they make no effort to return stolen guns to the rightful owner.
Many of them make a big public issue of destroying the evil guns when they should be returning them. If your car stolen was recovered they would return it. If these cities had the **** sued out of them, they would stop the grandstanding on these "buy backs," and would be FORCED to return property.