Hammer for DAO Ruger SP101?


New member
I recently was offered a good deal on a Ruger SP101 DAO 357. Nice looking gun, but I uasually shoot revolvers singler action because it gives me better accruacy.

Would it be possible to purhcase a normal SP101 hammer and replace the one in this gun to make it a normal SP101. Would this have to be fitted by a gunsmith? Could I order the parts myself?

Thanks for any insight you can share!
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New member
I can't say with absolute certainty, but I don't think you can easily change a hammerless SP101 to one with a hammer. I owned both versions at the same time a few years back and eventually sold the one with the hammer. I remember thinking the same question you are asking and I remember researching this and concluding that is was not realistically possible. I'm sure someone will chime in with a more definite answer.

By the way, I still have the hammerless and I regret selling the hammer version -- not because of the hammer, but because the SP101 are great guns!


New member
guess it depends on how good of a deal you are getting, and if you are using it for target practice as opposed to ccw.


New member
Ruger will not sell critical parts like hammers.
These are restricted to factory-ONLY sale and installation.

If you return the gun to Ruger, they will convert it to a standard hammer for a reasonable price.


New member
What about a trade?

I have been wanting to convert my DA/SA SP101 to DAO. If we exchanged hammers, would the parts interchange?

I think if the hammers are dementionally the same as far as size, angles, and the pin hole, they should drop in with very little or no fitting. Is there any difference between the DAO and DA/SA triggers on the Rugers?


New member
Thanks for the help so far. Have any of you (or do you know of anyone) who's made the from DAO to SA/DA or vice versa?

If its simple as a hammer swap, I'd be more than happy to exchange.


New member
Dfariswheel is right. The hammer assembly is shown as a part that must be factory-fitted in the manual.

However, you may be able to buy the part from gunbroker and fit it yourself. I haven't had my SP-101 apart yet, but it seems like it is pretty easy to get the hammer out.

I don't believe it is just the hammer that is different though. The DAO models have one less notch somewhere to make the DA pull smoother. I don't know if that notch is in the hammer itself or in the mechanism.

The easiest thing to do would be to dremel or file off the hammer spur, if you're worried about snagging when drawing. That, or just get in the habit of having your thumb on the hammer spur as you draw so it doesn't snag.


New member
Thans Smaug, but i wish to go the other way... Get a DAO gun and put a standard hammer in it. After I get it I think I'll call somone at Ruger and see what they say about it. Being DAO isnt going to make me hate it, but I would like it more with a hammer.


New member

You can easily remove the single action from your hammer with a dremel tool or a few minutes with an Arkansas stone. The single action notch isnt very big and you just need to remove it. I did this to both of my Sp 101's. It takes about 20 seconds once the hammer is removed. Since Ruger is a pain about selling hammers you can simply cut off the spur and make your own dao Ruger.


New member
Sorry I misunderstood you.

Ruger would probably charge you about $100 for that service. But I'd email them and ask them before buying the gun.

Another thing worth thinking about is to start shooting DA more often. Lots of folks here believe DA/SA revolvers should really be shot DA most of the time. The thought is that if it ever comes down to using it, you may not have time to cock it, and if you do, it may give the bad guy the time he needs to drill you first.

I posted a thread recently polling people and asking them if they heard a sound in the night, and were going to investigate with their revolver, would they cock it or not. The overwhelming majority voted no, and some folks even said there's no difference in accuracy or speed to get that first shot off.

I just bought and SP-101 new, so I had the choice. I went with the 3" 357 with DA/SA hammer. I figure it is good to have the option. Someone else can vouch for this, but I believe the DAO models are even smoother in DA than the DA/SA models.

In the Library of rugerforum.net (see sig), you can download IBOK (Iowegan's Book of Knowledge. Iowegan is a retired gunsmith that posts there) for the SP-101, which will tell you how to smooth up the action and replace the 14 lb. hammer spring for a 12 lb. one to make this an even better DA shooter. You have to have 10 posts before you're allowed access to their Library.

Dave Chuppa

New member
I would rather shoot my Self Defense Guns DAO. That is the way you would shoot them in a defensive situation. I learned to stage the trigger then line up the sights and continue the trigger pull. This gives you the accuracy of a single action. Most of the Snubs I own and carry are DAO.