Halloween tactics and precautions


New member
Just curious, what special precautions do you make if any on Halloween night with people and children knocking on your door until late hours? If you think about it, some thugs might view it as a good opportunity to attempt a home invasion or something else. It was an issue in one area of town here last year.
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Are you kidding? Halloween is the most evil night of the year. I'm not paranoid, but uh, the silver bullets are in the gun. Oh, Halloween is one of those those nights I put the vaunted 1911 on the shelf and get the 44 Mags out...


Our bank and the convenience store I've been in today had "Remove Your Mask Before Entering" signs on the door:rolleyes:

EDITED TO ADD: I saw some really scary characters at the convenience store-and they didn't have costumes...
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New member
Our bank and the convenience store I've been in today had "Remove Your Mask Before Entering" signs on the door

Someone said that to me and I wasn't wearing a mask. (Figured I would say it before someone else did.)

As for tactics: Lots of dangerous juveniles trying to take away my candy tonight - armed to the teeth.

Actually, just watching football and eating pizza, but was that what I was supposed to say? I don't see any reason for any special precautions, myself. Why get upset over a harmless fun night? If the trick or treater is six foot four and needs a shave, you don't have to open the door.


New member
If one were a thinking thug (are there any?) this would be a fine occasion for home invasion robberies. People open their doors quickly and frequently. And the cops are spread thin, and screams aren't necessarily going to draw much attention..... and so on and so on.

While it's a truly remote possibility I'll need it, my CCW pistol is tucked in its place under my costume as I answer the door and pass out goodies to the kids.

They don't know that I'm the ARMED Waldo :)


New member
Hpoefully, this post is a bit of humor... Be prepared but enjoy life, don't worry so much.
No humor intended in this post Stinkbug. Home invasions is a real problem here in central Florida. In the last two weeks here, two home invasions produced 5 dead. Two of which were drug related. Last year druggies hit the wrong house and terrorized a family, pistol whipping the mother & father in front of the two little ones. Im sure they were enjoying life until then. As Ronbert pointed out, Halloween is the perfect cover for such crimes, which is the reason for the post.


New member
Just got back, I was packin my 357, earlier had a kid a few miles away knocked down and had a joker smile carved into his face by an older kid. Its not paranoia, its preparedness.


New member
Just got back, I was packin my 357, earlier had a kid a few miles away knocked down and had a joker smile carved into his face by an older kid. Its not paranoia, its preparedness.

That's quite a bit of detail for something that happened earlier tonight(?) Got a link for that?


New member
Was on the local radio station, talkin about safety. I think you can find it on ksl.com. Was earlier this week. Also helps that my neighbor is a Salt Lake City police captain, hear about alot that doesn't make the news. Last year had four rapes within two miles of my house, one had the 5 year old watching, all on halloween, its good cover if you're a degenerate.


New member
Does anyone only carry on certain occasions? I dont carry everyday, but I do cary often. My job makes it very hard to carry.


New member
I stand by my "Be prepared but enjoy life, don't worry so much. " comment.

I will never allow my self to walk through life constantly looking at everyone with suspicion. There is too much life to be missed.


New member
We went to the mall 1st for my son and my sister, i carried.

Then we ordered pizza and gave out candy, i carried then too.

enjoyed the whole night, and felt my family was safe the whole time..

that was my halloween plan...worked great


New member
Nothing different here...

Parents would be insane to let kids trick-or-treat here in the hood. Haven't had halloween here for over a decade, so anyone in a mask ain't looking for candy. ;)


New member
No problem.

Costume: Cowboy, no open carry issues here with a wheel gun. (legal anyway)

Candy distribution: From the front stoop. Can see the little beggars coming from a distance.


New member
WHEW. Glad that is over with. Now you guys can sleep easy for another 12 months.

Not a chance. Thanksgiving is coming up and lots of people show up at our house mysteriously to eat our food. Not to mention Christmas with somebody sneaking into our house after everyone has gone to bed.



New member
Took the Kids out last night for Trick or Treating. I was carrying, but saw nothing that raised concern. There actually seemed to be very few people out.