Hakim Rifle,,,,,,again


New member
Does anyone KNOW where I can get the wood furniture for a Hakim rifle ?
How about a front sight ?

Yes, I have tried Numrich (gunparts.com)

I was given a Hakim that some moron tried to carve into an AK look. It is unusable as is. I have since located another Hakim that is missing the front sight and the mag for $60. I am going to buy it and make one good rifle out of them. But, It would be nice to find a stock and a front sight so I could put both rifles together. I certainly don't need any more junk lying around this house.


New member
Hi 444.

You're in for a long wait. There aren't any Hamkim stock anywhere available, period. These rifles are far and few between as it is and no one has made any replacement stocks that I'm aware of.

If you've got a stock from your "parts gun", I suggest that you just refinish it and use it. Even in poor condition, they will clean up well and any damage can be rapaired so that the stock looks great and is functional.

Also, I'd suggest that you go here:


You'll find a lot of support available for that particular rifle. It's the only Eqyptian forum I know of that gets any traffic. Maybe someone there will have another parts gun and would be willing to part with a stock if you really have to have one.

Good luck!



New member
"If you've got a stock from your "parts gun", I suggest that you just refinish it and use it. Even in poor condition, they will clean up well and any damage can be rapaired so that the stock looks great and is functional. "

No, you haven't seen this stock. The butt end of it has been cut so that it is a square peg about 3"-4" square. Picture buying a 2x2 and using that for a stock.


New member
Here is the email of a gentleman that carries a large assortment of Hakim parts, he may have a stock...can't hurt to ask. If nothing else get his gas adjuster for 10 bucks...all steel, not the plastic like you see from other places.

Ray: jb573@netzero.net



New member
Time to get inventive (but stay legal).
Could you hook up another kind of buttstock? Say, from the Gun Parts Corp. catalog?

Did you see the picture of the AG42 Ljungman Paratrooper in the other thread? It might give you an idea of how to get your "2x2" stickstock into working order...

I've seen wire stocks, folders, etc. that had no home and just begged for a place to live, such as you're describing.
It's an idea.


  • swede ag-42b paratrooper 20-rd 1.jpg
    swede ag-42b paratrooper 20-rd 1.jpg
    21.2 KB · Views: 104


New member
There is another option......:rolleyes:

Hi 444

Actually, as long as the "core" of the stock is still there it could be rebuilt so that you don't even know it's been done. I'm a cabinetmaker and have "hidden" defects a lot worse that that. The Hakim and AG42b have pretty straight forward buttstocks. With the proper approach, I'm pretty confident that it could be rebuilt to look and perform properly.

There aren't many alternatives unless you find yet another "parts" gun. If that's out of the question, then spending a few bucks to have the stock repaired by adding the appropriate lumber to your exsiting stock is certainly an option. The lumber isn't hard to find or match and, after finishing, you shouldn't really be able to notice anything.

I've refinished lots of stocks and rebuilt a few others. One, in particular, had an out-of-battery firing and exploded the entire receiver area. :eek: With modern adhesives and some experience, I was able to rebuild it to full funtion and beauty. Actually, that was much harder than the one you're describing.

My suggestion, then, is to find a cabinetmaker or a refinisher in your area and bring this project to him. Most refinishers have a cabinetmaker working with them. See if he'd be willing to take it on. Most of us love projects like this as it's out of the ordinary and a good challange. Make sure he or she has a good reputation, however. You don't want a ham & egger working on it. I always approach each project with the phrase "do no harm" in the forefront.

I hope this gives you a little hope. Email me if you have any other questions. A photo would be really helpful.



New member
Hakim update.
The second Hakim I located was not in the condition advertised. It was missing more than the front sight and the mag. It was missing all the wood normally above the barrel along with the metal parts that normally keep the wood in place (I belive one is also the front sling swivel and the other is the bayonet lug). So, I didn't pay the guy $60 for it. That was definitely one of those too good to be true items.
I haven't started calling anywhere yet because I figured that would be a low percentage approach but maybe this week I can call all the big C&R places and ask along with the guy mentioned on this thread.
One thing to keep in mind about this project. I am doing this just because I got a free rifle, and because I always like to return old rifles to their original condition. In other words, I have a fairly extensive collection of firearms. I am not nearly as interested in just gettting this one running as I am in returning it to pre-bubba condtion for the good of society. I am not really just trying to get this going so I can own a rifle. Although if I strike out with every place I try, I might try building the stock back up as suggested rather than tossing it in the trash.


New member
I was browsing through an August issue of Shotgun News, 444, and guess what? Sarco was advertising Hakim stocks for $149.

So, the first place I'd call would be Sarco on Monday to see if they still have any stock left.



New member
Right on Sarco it is.
Thanks everyone, I will let you know how it turns out.
I appreciate the effort.

Although hopefully they will be closed Monday in remembrence of verterns day.