Hail to the Queen (Humor)


New member
London, 10th November 2000

To the citizens of the United States of America,

Following your failure to elect a President of the USA to govern yourselves and, by extension, the free world, we hereby give
notice of the revocation of your Independence. Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume a monarch's duties
over all states, commonwealths and other territories.

To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, please comply with the following acts:

1. Look up "revoke" in a dictionary
2. Learn at least the first 4 lines of "God save the Queen"
3. Start referring to "soccer" as football
4. Declare war on Quebec

Tax collectors from Her Majesty's Government will be with you shortly to ensure the acquisition of all revenues due (backdated to

Thank you for your cooperation and... cheerio!


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.


Moderator Emeritus
That must be the Reader's Digest version of this.

The other thread was closed because it got nasty. This one will remain open as long as it does not degrade in a similar fashion.

It's just satire, folks! No different than this.

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website


Staff Emeritus
Well said, Blues Man.

And folks, let's remember that not all Americans vote the same, so it should be easy to remember that not all the folks in Britain feel the same either.

Respond to facts, not personalities. Take the High Road, Think Twice and Post Once.

(Jeez. I'm beginning to feel like a bunch o' Burma Shave signs! :D )

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
To the once-free, one-time "citizens" of the British Isles:

Get out your dictionaries and encyclopedias, and look up: Republic. Texas. Alamo. San Jacinto.

Then consider the legend on a flag still flown in a little Texas town, Goliad: "Come and take it!"

All in all, I submit that given the temperament of the people whom you would again want as your colonists, success would probably mean a rather exteme urban renewal project. It would begin at the headwaters of the Thames, and end at the Channel. The probability is that in lieu of present structures, there would be parkland. Former residents might possibly seek employment in the colonies; we have a shortage in our minimum-wage workforce.

With kindest regards, Art

Jeff Thomas

New member
A notable response:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Dear Queen,

We've received and reviewed your demands. So nice to hear from you.

Since the recent unpleasantness of 1776 there have been a few changes here in the colonies. The most pertinent change, to this discussion in particular, is that we now possess 200 million firearms in the hands of our citizens. This does not take into account the firearms and other
munitions in the hands of our brave military and law enforcement officers.

While some Americans, especially of late, have indeed deluded themselves into believing that arms are unnecessary for a civilized country, there are many Americans who still believe in the right to keep and bear arms.

Unfortunately for your current plans, those Americans also have a nasty tendency to practice with said arms, and remain very proficient in their use. Various deer, elk and assorted criminals downed by these arms must, we regret, provide only mute testimony to those skills.

So, in the interest of respecting your Majesty's precious time, I will
close with two words ... molon labe (please see http://www.firearmsfreedom.net/guncontrol/molonlabe.pdf ).

Have a royal day.

Respectfully Yours,

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

Regards from AZ


New member
Sorry, did not see the other thread... please shut this one down.



The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.