Had way too much fun last night!


New member
Ok, I'm not one to really brag because I dislike braggers, but last night was some serious fun. My uncle had arranged for me to be flown out to his ranch via private plane. We land and of course my uncle teases me and bugs me like he always does. We then head off to his range and he lets me shoot his M2 Browning. First time I ever shot one of those bad boys. When I start shooting it I get a 2nd surprise. The belt is loaded with all tracer ammo. :cool: :D I had so much freaking fun. I seriously wish I had it on video and posted all over youtube and myspace for all you fellow shooters to see. If you guys haven't ever shot tracers at night, you have no idea what you're missing. It's so much fun. :)

Ok, bragging thread over. :D


New member
Yeah they sure are fun, I get a chance to shoot this badboy everyday :D


New member
In that pic above it looks as if every 5th round is a tracer. I never knew they really did that. I thought it was just a training thing they did in boot camp. Oh well, goes to show how much I know. :rolleyes: And hoytinak, God bless you for serving. Without people like you defending our freedoms, I wouldn't get a chance to have so much fun with that .50 cal.

None the less, my experience was fun.


New member
I hope you got to shoot some of those tracers into the ground. It's interesting to see how much they get deflected and bounce.

While tracer rounds are HOT, most of what you see in movies, when a tracer round hits a vehicle gas tank and explodes the entire vehicle is purely "Hollywood".

I had some 7.62x51 tracer rounds, and during a desert shoot, a buddy of mine wanted to see some "pyrotechnics". He had a full can of Coleman white gas, which is VERY flammible, and he set it up in a cleared, sandy area. I told my buddy that NOTHING was going to happen, other than putting some holes through the can, causing the white gas to spill out, even with the tracer rounds. He didn't believe me.

I backed off to 100 yards from that can and fired 3 rounds. The can didn't appear to have moved, and my buddy announced, "I think that you missed!"
I told him that I had hit it with all 3 tracer rounds. Again, he didn't believe me!

We walked out to the can, and....sure enough, there were 6 holes in that can (3 entry, 3 exit)!
By the time we got out there, the white gas had emptied to the level of the lowest hole. "Maybe that white gas isn't as flammible as I thought it would be", he said, just before he flipped a lighted cigarette onto the soaked sand. WHOOSH!
I sure wish he hadn't done that with me standing that close!

The reason why the white gas hadn't ignited from the tracer rounds? The gas wasn't mixed with air, and the rounds had gone through the liquid! Had that same can been, say, only 1/4th full, I think that it would have ignited if the rounds had gone through the FUMES!

"Red tracers are OUT-going! Green tracers are IN-coming!"


New member
I just mainly shot old car parts. Large car parts. :D

Oh yeah as far as creating explosions from tracers, what you should do is fill a large trash bag with oxy-acetelyn gas and then shoot the bag with a tracer. The heat from the shockwave is so cool. :cool: