Had to share


New member
I have the pleasure of being a Hunter Ed instructor.

Last night, as we were finishing up the testing, one of the dads walks up with his son and hands me a envelope - adressed to "Captain".

Inside was a nice Thank You card, thanking me for my time and willingness to help bring the next generation along, signed by both of them. It also said the next box of ammo was on them, and there was a $20 in it.

Made a heck of an impression on me.

Thanks to the dads out there showing kids the right way, both in the field and in life.



Staff In Memoriam
Why did that simple post choke me up?:( Oh yeah... Cuz i have both a son and daughter who love the outdoors and the spirit of being a hunter/predator on this great blue marble!
Thanks for the share Landrum and thanks for being the legal end instructor who signs off on them H.S.I.D. cards...


New member
I do appreciate your experience and can relate to this as these kinds of "Atta-Boys" don't come our way very often. As volunteers, we expect no rewards but appreciate the recognition from these kids. I have kids stop me on the street and thank me for being that "Muzzleloader Guy". In my 20 years of being an instructor, I have gotten two letters from kids and their parents expressing their appreciation. I treasure these. In one case, My M/L buddy and I took a group of three lads, for some additional range-time. I also salute the dads that support their kids in this "Great Adventure" Sounds like you are doing a great job and keep up your good work. !! :)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Thanks guys!

It definitely isn't for the fame and fortune. My wife thinks I am nuts for adding this to the job, the kids, and the farm. But I just ain't a "let someone else do it" person. If we are going to preserve this tradition, everyone has to commit to it in their own way. I probably send less financial support to the fight (by joining this or donating that) than others, but I love to teach, so that is my contribution.

Lots of people doing good work leads to great things.


New member
There has to be lots of satisfaction in teaching that class. I took one a few years ago (even though my age exempted me from the Fl. requirement). When I finished the test WAY ahead of everyone else, the instructors recognized that I had lots of experience and after chatting with them a while they suggested that I get certified to teach the class. I would love to do that, but time right now just isn't available.

However, I'm planning on retiring in about 10 years and teaching hunter eductation is something is definately on my retirement to-do list.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Thanks for the effort. Ain't it nice to have somebody show appreciation?

I've not lived where it's feasible to do the instructor thing, but I've tried another direction to help young folks.

I had way too many guns magically find their way to my house through the years. Doing gunshow tables will cause that. And, living in a generally-poor community will have guns for sale at what I consider bargain prices.

Okay, so I go to cleaning out the safe of "lesser interest" critters, and get a gunshow table. I'm selling from my collection, right? I make a point of cutting the price down for young folks, or when it's a family with a teenager and they're looking for a .22 rifle or a shotgun for the youngun. There comes a time in life when making a few bucks is far less important than helping a youngun get started.

Sorta gives you the warm fuzzies, too. :D



New member
Thanks all.

Doyle - I try to keep an eye out for Dads that might be a good fit and actively recruit them. I finally talked my hunting partner into getting certified. He has been dragging his feet because he is not comfortable talking in front of a group. I love to talk, so I told him I would do the talking if he will help out on all the other stuff. The worst part for me is the paperwork - man, I hate paperwork!

The guys I am teaching with are late 60's/early 70's. I am worried that the time will come when the older guys aren't there and the new crop of instructors will not be trained and ready - or even in the system. I am mid-40s and can only squeeze 1 or 2 classes in a year - maybe 3 if the stars align right. Our requirement is 1 per year to stay active.

After I retire (again), I hope to be able to run a lot more. I am also finally getting my bow hunter instructor certification in Oregon this year, after doing that in some other states while on active duty.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Neat, Dave. I guess it's a continuity through the ages deal. Really important to keep the young folks learning the proper ways to do things.


Staff In Memoriam
What I find a little disenchanting is the number of replies in the wolf thread... Then we have an utterly awesome thread with 8 replies in 2 days!:mad:
Okay I will hit davlandrum with another HIGH 5!
I took hunter's safety in elementary school... TWICE mainly to avoid other classes as it were but I learned plenty...
Both times I filled in my "workbook" the first night and both times I aced the test! I guess back then our kin folk really did a good job teaching us and the test was just to verify it!


New member
'preciate your honest devotion in developing an inter'st in our young guns and their roots to the land and it's meals, ahem critters. Thank you kindly.