Had a beer with the enemy last night


New member
I attended a party thrown by my liberal democrat father-in-law last night and had a beer with several "blue doggers" one of which is writing a bibliography on "womens studies" and is a librarian in the womens studies department at the local university.

Also in the conversation was a lawyer for the ACLU. After much complaining about what happened in the blankety blanking election by them we got into the meat of the conversation.

It seems that the antis aren't in lock step any more than we are!

I asked about the recent state motto (With God all things are possible)lawsuit that was dropped by the ACLU here and he said that almost every vote they take on what to pursue passes by a narrow margin with several abstentions. This made me giggle. When asked what I thought was so funny I said that I'm involved in the RKBA and this was good news to me. Then I heard something that made me drop my beer!

He agreed with me. The need was for education, education education! He said that he would NEVER own a firearm but that he would NEVER support any reduction in the rights of the people period. I think I could get along with this guy alright.


New member
Actually it is my experience that many ACLU types are not anti gun. The main reasons the ACLU isn't active in the RKBA are 1) they find the issue is divisive and they don't want to alienate their members and contributors and 2) there are other organizations that concentrate on the RKBA.


New member
Why would they all look at life the same way? We don't, even though we are portrayed that way. Few groups are actually monolithic, with little or no variations.

And I look at "them" as the opposition, not enemies. Among other reasons, looking at people with opposing viewpoints is very adversarial and counter-productive.


New member
Actually it is my experience that many ACLU types are not anti gun. The main reasons the ACLU isn't active in the RKBA are 1) they find the issue is divisive and they don't want to alienate their members and contributors and 2) there are other organizations that concentrate on the RKBA.
3) They're cowards who are afraid of ruffling the feathers of their unthinking borg-like supporters

- Gabe


New member
The sad truth of the matter is that it is extremely difficult to find anyone who advocates for all of our liberties. You have to go with a sort of cafeteria plan. I support the RKBA organizations to help shore up the 2nd amendment. And I love the ACLU's work on amendments 1,4,6,7, and 8. I just try to do what I can at the ballot box. It seems to me that no matter who you vote for they're just trying to expand government power in one direction or another. It is a generalization but police state vs. welfare state seems a poor choice to me.

I'm looking for an organization to defend amendment 3; but it seems that nobody has the guts to come out against quartering the Brits in our houses anymore.

Brett Bellmore

New member
"Actually it is my experience that many ACLU types are not anti gun. The main reasons the ACLU isn't active in the RKBA are 1) they find the issue is divisive and they don't want to alienate their members and contributors and 2) there are other organizations that concentrate on the RKBA."

Well, that's the excuse they give, but it doesn't explain why they actually attack the right, instead of just leaving the subject alone. As the national ACLU does, by officially supporting the "states rights" interpretation.

I think it would be more accurate to say that there are many, especially in the leadership, whose devotion to gun control is about as strong as their devotion to other civil liberties. And there aren't enough members who actually care about that liberty to successfully oust them. Maybe we ought to do something about that...