Ha ha! UK is advertising for US tourism.


New member
Been seeing a lot of adverts on the tely for Yanks to visit jolly ol' England.

Gee, I wonder why they are losing our tourism dollars? Could it be that their crime-ridden socialist "utopia" is driving away anyone with an ounce of sanity and a sense of self-preservation?

It's too bad that the home of the once great British Empire has to fall, but better them than US (pun intended). I can only hope that it does so in time for us to learn (and recover) from their mistakes. As it stands now, we are quickly chasing them down the loo.


New member
Actually, I should like to see more American tourists. Hundreds of thousands of them.


And bringing weapons.



New member
I wouldn't mind visiting England. Lots of interesting history there.

If only the place wasn't so bloody full of Brits . . . ;)


New member
Bog, a bunch of armed tourists were over there to save Ingerland thrice last century. We ever bought some people back over.

UK is a nice place to visit (but I like Chicago even). All places have good and bad. Double Dragon (yum!) makes it ever more tolerable.:D

Fred Hansen

New member
it's just that Americans are frightened to go ANYWHERE abroad after last September.
That is true of some people that think they are Americans. A real American isn't afraid of much of anything. Thankfully the latter are still a majority, though they seem to be waning.

I would love to go to England, or even Kanada for that matter, but I have made it a rather firm policy to try to avoid giving filthy socialists any of my money, or spending any time around them. OTH if I looked around the house a bit I am sure I could find plenty of things made by commies. Arrg! (Note to self, avoid shopping at Wally-world!)


You have suffered enough. Why don't you just move over here? Maybe we could exchange you for a bunch of the aforementioned nanny-state, poopy-diaper, psuedo-Americans. It's summertime, you could live out in my garage for a couple of months until you can find a place, or sleep on my couch (I have some land, but a little tiny house).

England may turn away from socialism someday, but it is going to take a cataclysm of biblical proportions for it to do so. Get out.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Having lived in a third-world country already, I am at a loss as to what makes anyone wish to go to another such place voluntarily. I saw as few of the UK ads and they cracked me up...pretty much the same way that the USSR Intourist ads would have.


New member
I was in England a couple of months ago and thoroughly enjoyed myself--except for having to drive from Gatwick Airport (south of London) to Cornwall. Man that was a drag after an eight hour flight.

Being out in the countryside of England is quite nice but I didn't get any closer to London than I had to. I'd go back if I didn't have to fly again.



New member
I solidly believe that the UK has a lot to recommend it, and I don't want to leave here forever.

I just want to leave here until the dust settles once the blissninny socialists have been deposed.


New member
Yup; they want us bad.

Ironically today received a promotion from Cunard about QE2
transAtlantic cruises. (must still be on their mail list)
Actually a pleasant way to get there. If I could afford it I'd no doubt go. Oh well.:rolleyes:


New member
Bog, here is one foreigner who actually agrees with you. The UK isn't so bad. I don't think I would want to live there (I wouldn't wanna give up my guns :D ), and if I did I would probably choose Scotland. But as a tourist destination, England definitely has a lot to recommend it. I even like your warm beer!


New member
...and I was shown earlier this year that you bloody Yanks have finally managed to brew a decent pint.

To your honour!



New member
I was over in March, drinking Sierra Nevada pale ale, and I tell you solemnly that it is most potable.

I'faith, I could have outdrunk the company I was keeping, but it would have been unseemly.
