H1000 powder


New member
First time this has happened. I loaded a few .270 trials with H1000 but they wouldn't chamber, so I had to pull them to figure out why not. What I noticed, however, was the H1000 clumped up in the case. Had to use a small screwdriver as a tool to break it apart since bumping the case on the tabletop wouldn't release it all. The cannister itself was fine - no clumps. any clues?


New member

I would stop shooting powder that did that until I found out what the cause was.

Call Hodgdon. They are really nice to deal with over the phone, and I am sure they would be interested to get this resolved for you.



New member
Most H1000 loads in a .270 are compressed loads. There are better powders out there to use....:eek:


New member
Rimrod, I tumble all cases after resizing to remove any case lube, so I doubt that plays a part.

My communication with Hodgdon yesterday resulted in their reply that this would be expected with a compressed load.