

New member

My wife shoots one in 308 dead on, but have had TONS of problems with it. Had to back to the factory after the 6th round, then again after the 48th round and still won't extract the shell. We are not going to send it back again because they have had it more than we have. At one time it actually blew apart in her hands using winchester ammo. Now I have 3 NEF shotguns and not one prob with them, but the 308. well maybe it was just the one we bought who knows


New member
Own a Ultra-Varmit in .243-- very satisfied. Although it took longer than usual to get the barrel broke in than most new guns I have purchased.


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A gent at my club has a handi-rifle in 500 S&W. It is just a blast (figurativley and litterally) to watch him shoot. He seems to love it!


New member
i have a h&r sb2 in 357 mag. and i can not get groups better than 4 inches at 100yds from a rest with a scope on it. useing several brands of ammo plus reloads. it,s going to leave very soon, never to return. eastbank


New member

First, there is a nice forum with a lot of FAQ on the Handi, including making it more accurate.

Graybeard FAQ

Second, if you are a member of ASSRA, which you should consider if you own a Handi or any other single-shot rifle, there's a huge archive that you can order from. There's an article (okay, a series of 4 articles) that Rudy can send you for $10 that details making a Handi into a 32-40 Schutzen rifle that was like 1/4 MOA when he got done... extensive gunsmithing required, which you'd expect with a barrel blank with no chamber cut. That's not a recommendation, merely to say that they can be taken to incredibly accurate for a lot less money than, say, a Dakota...

Anyway, some Handi rifles are more accurate than others out of the box. With some small amount of work they can be made more accurate. Rather than give up entirely, you might want to look at the forum. I don't know the inherent accuracy of .357 mag at 100 yards, being as how that is a pistol cartridge. Don't jump on me, please, about the one-shot stops, etc. I know that a grizzly has been taken with one shot from a little over 100 yards. I'm saying that I don't personally know, or remember reading, the inherent accuracy. I know it ain't that of a 6 PPC. Maybe it's about like a 30-30? Worse? Is 4" a good group for that cartridge? If it isn't, then you might tweak the rifle. If it is, you can get a different barrel for about 90 bucks and a long (3-12 month) wait under Remington's auxiliary barrel program for the Handi's.



New member
Ill put my 2 cents I have one in 7mm-08 and cant keep a scope on it. The recoil makes walk off the rail. My fathers 243 does not have that problem. If your getting a small cal. one there great. IF you get a more powerful one. you might want to change out the rail.


New member
H&R Ultra-Varmint .223

After some serious trigger work and barrel break in and working up a decent hand load this rifle will hold minute of cat out to 300 yds.So the answer to your question is yes with a little effort on your part the H&R rifles are or can be very accurate