H&k Usp .45 Add-ons


New member
I just traded in my Kimber Dessert Warrior for a H&K USP .45 because I am tired of the malfunctions - FTF, FTE . I just have lost confidence in the weapon. To be fair it NEVER malfunctioned with duty grade ammo but I train with practice ammo and have had trouble.

I have always shot well with the USP Tacticals that I have had but the trigger is not the same on the USP. Not to bad really but I am picky about my firearms. I would like to improve the trigger and I was considering either having my gun smith cut a recess on the barrel so I can put on a O-ring like the Tactical model or buying a replacement barrel. I need to shoot it first and see if it is combat accurate enough for my needs but I am considering options if the accuracy is to far away from my 1911. Maybe I am putting the cart before the horse?

Anyway... Anyone with experiance with a stock, standard USP .45 .... Will the trigger shoot in or do I need to replace parts to improve the trigger? What Accuracy should I expect from this weapon? Thanks - Mark


New member
I have 1000's actually 10's of 1000's of rounds through my USP 45 and the trigger does smoothen out. But really, I've never found the trigger all that bad...congrats on your new HK :cool:


New member
do NOT try to cut a groove for the o-ring. Many have tried and damaged the barrels because the metal on them are extremely tough. You are better off getting a whole new barrel. Accuracy is great for a combat handgun. You could also get an HK match trigger for it. It's nicer than stock


New member
Okay. THANKS ! I WILL NOT modify/destroy my barrel. If accuracy is good then I am not going to fix what ain't broke. I will be shooting alot so the trigger should smooth out but I am interested in the improved trigger. Where could I get one? I would really prefer to stay with HK parts. Thanks again for the information. Glad I did not destroy my barrel.


New member
You could technically install a match trigger yourself but you will be better off getting HK to do it for you. I would cost about $150. I like mine.