H&K P7M13 9mm - Good or Bad???


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I was looking at a H&K P7M13 9mm. I'm looking for an opinion of what people think of this handgun. I haven't heard much about it in the mainstream.

Your opinions would be appreciated.



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The P7 series are great handguns. They have a unique manual of arms that is quite different from other auto pistols. The M13 has quite a fat grip. They are expensive. Most owners love them. Watch-Six


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Lots of P7 fans here. IMO, the P7's are among the very best autos on the planet.

Check out the Cult at:

I like my P7M8 better for carry, b/c it's lighter and a little slimmer. For shooting, I like them equally.
Make sure the grip on the M13 is comfortable for you. Some people think they are too thick.
Mechanically, the M8 and M13 are the same. The M13 is double stack.


New member
The P7 series are great shooters, and I think the squeeze cocking idea was fantastic. The M13 is a double stack and the magazines are around $120. The M10 magazines do work, however the follower isn't exactly the same -- ok for range work, but I'd not carry it without a real M13 magazine. Every once in a while there will be an old police turn in around here with night sites, no box, no tools, no manual, one magazine for under $1000.


New member
M-13 are great guns, being from Ma you must realize how hard they are to find. I would not pay more than 2000 dollars for one even in Ma. A local gun shop recently sold one in excellent shape with 5 mags for 1800 dollars. I too am looking for a m-13 to go along with my p-7 m-8 but will not pay some of the ridiculous prices people are asking.I saw a add for a m-13 in the local want add the person was asking $2895 for a m-13. good luck in your search


New member
You won't hear of many (if any) complaints about the gun. Only thing is that it may be too thick for some hands.

Mine sits in my safe next to my P7 PSPe, I prefer to shoot my P7M8 because it feels best in my hands.


New member
My P7M8 has been my favorite since I before I bought one! Great, dependable, realiable, accurate & fun to shoot.


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Great gun, but way over priced. That's the main reason HK came out with the USP series since the average Joe couldn’t afford to buy their product. BTW I own an M8, M10 and M13 and they all sit in the safe.


New member
As a wee Lad, the P7M13 was a dream gun for me. (Like it because it was an HK and just plan different) I stumbled across a deal on a used M13 a few years back. I must say I have not be disappointed. (Mags are little Pricey)
-Holsters are normally not a stocked item at must gun stores (I use a Blade-tech strong side holster, Don Hume JIT and just picked up a Blade-tech UCH -loooks promising.)
Shot it for One summer at local IDPA matched found the gun to point very naturally and one-handed shooting is very comfortable.

Best of Luck on your hunt


New member
It’s a very interesting piece. It’s very pricey if you can locate one these days. The internal is very complex compare to other pistols on the market; do not disassemble it unless you are willing to spend a long time to reassemble it (I learned the hard way) :rolleyes:

There are few things I “personally” don’t like:
1st, the piston gets very hot and your trigger finger will feel the heat really soon.
2nd, the slide release button bruises my strong arm thumb joint. I tend to grip very high and the button will rub my thumb badly.

Other than that I would recommend one.


New member
highly recommend you get one if you can afford it. i have the m8 and PSP and they are great CCW guns (if a bit heavy)

the only drawback to the m13 is that it is a bit thick for CCW and smaller hands. if you can live with a 8 round mag, i highly recommend the PSP as it is a sleeker piece :cool: , but you give up the higher sights, the larger trigger guard, the protruding striker assembly and the heat shield above the trigger...the only one i'd miss is the shield.

it is possibly the safest, most accurate. lowest recoiling and compact (it comes with a full 4" barrel) combat gun in the world


New member
"2nd, the slide release button bruises my strong arm thumb joint. I tend to grip very high and the button will rub my thumb badly. "

Not to nitpick but the squeeze cock mechanism IS the slide release. You are probably referring to the takedown button. That's one of the elegant things about the P7 series -- the squeeze lever does it all!

Walther P99

New member
The P7s are excellent guns, top quality and top performance. The one I owned was probably the best gun I've had.
However, to run the risk of repeating myself time and again, just be sure your hands are strong enough to keep the cocking lever depressed during shooting. That was the problem I had and forced me to sell it. :(

If you're confortable with the action, buy one, you won't regret it, they're excellent pistols.


New member
It takes less than 2 lbs of pressure to hold the squeeze cocker in place after the initial squeeze. Sqeeze hard, then relax to your normal grip and it will not decock. Keeping a lot of pressure on the squeeze cocker is detrimental to good shooting.

The heat issue is frequently mentioned, but is only of significance if you are shooting a lot of rounds at the range. In a self defense situation, the gun will not heat up quickly enough to ever be a problem, even if you are fending off a gang.

As for the price, I dont think they are over priced a bit. In fact, they are a bargain. I have seen new ones going for $1200, and I bought a LNIB for $900 six months ago.

I own my share of custom 1911s, and have way more in some of them than $1200, but the P7 is as accurate and reliable as any of them.

What I cant figure out is why all guns cant be P7s?