H&K Light firing pin strikes


New member
Has anyone else had a problem with light firing pin strikes on the H&K 40 cal. pistol?As a commercial reloader i have had 4 complaints in the last few months of ammunition not firing.All have been H&Ks.I sell tons of this ammo in bulk all over the U.S. and these are the only problems I've had.Most of my customers are repeats.The factory said something abbout polishing compound needing to be remove from the firing pin channel.Any input???

Tim R

New member
A fellow Officer had this problem with his USP. He bought a new USP and the problem was solved. I checked the firing pin protrusion between the two.....It was shorter on the old one.


New member
One of the ways people do a trigger job on an HK USP is to cut coils from the main spring. This can result in light strikes.

Tim R

New member
I should also state the problem with the older USP was with practice and qual ammo which at the time was remand 165 gr 40 from Delta. My Glock 35 gobbled the stuff up like no business as did everyone elses pistols. (I work for a small department, we buy our own duty pistol with restrictions on make and caliber)

There was no problem with duty ammo. The problem with the practice ammo just sort of showed up one day.

I pushed the firing pins all the way forward and there was a visable difference at at the slide face if you will with the older one being rather short. Fired cases between the two are like night and day as well with the new pistol giving good solid firing pin strikes. The older pistol leaves shallow, light firing pin indentations. The Officer is looking to find a new firing pin as there is really nothing wrong with the old USP other than a little hoslter wear. Firing pin face on the old pistol looked OK. No springs were cut FYI because as the range guy, I would not allow it.