H&K 7 or Walther P5 Compact, which one

1/2 cocked

New member
to purchase. The P7 is gently used without the heat shield; box and papers with extra mag. $900.
The Walther is as new with box, papers and extra mag.$950.
Tough choice for me ; any suggestions?


New member
Walther P5!!!! :D

The P5 is the better gun IMHO!! I have the P5. Mags are a bit hard to find, since it is no longer in production. The P7 is in production, but it is much more expensive!! Both pistols were designed to meet the same Government specs. Both do meet those specs. I guess it all boils down to which one you like the best!! I prefer the P5 because I could never get used to that damn squeeze cocker!!! :rolleyes:


New member
Never had a P5 or even fired one, but I believe it is DA only. If thats the case maybe you should take that into consideration. The P7 sounds like a PSP if it has no heat shield. It may also have the mag release at the bottom of mag. Again something to consider. Personally I would go with the P7. The squeeze cocker isn't really that of a big thing to overcome, and after inserting a new mag, just squeeze and you're instantly back in action.


New member
As the owner of both, and all variations (P7 PSP, P7M8, P5 and P5C), if given your choice I would definitely go for the P7.

If you've never shot a P7, once you shoot one you will be hooked.

That's not to say the P5 isn't a great gun, it is. :D

The P5 and P5C are conventional DA/SA, not DA, and were never offered in DAO.

BTW, the P7 is a fair price, if as described, but it should come with the original box, manual and scraper tool for that price. As well as both magazines. PSPs (the one you describe is a PSP), usually command less money because they have the butt magazine release and no heat shield. If it is a flush mag release, I believe they are more desirable. I'd still offer $800, but it depends on your market. The P7 PSP (No heat shield, butt mag release) is no longer in production, and new production P7M8s are commanding $1200 from dealers.

You should be able to do better on the full size P5. There were closed out a few years back for $449-$495. I wouldn't pay more than $750 for a NIB P5. A P5 Compact commands more and you can buy a brand new one from Val at Gulfstream Sports or Earl's Repair service for $900. P5s are no longer in production, but the P5C is.

My .02 worth.



New member
I have both also

They are both excellent firearms. The Walther P-5 is DA/SA, not DA only. If you want something really different from anything else get the P7. They are as good as people say and worth the price, which is $700 - $1,000 depending on age and condition.

A NIB P-5 should be availabe for around $700, NOT $950, that is a bit steep, (unless its a P-5C which is rare in the U.S.). If you are more comfortable with a traditional DA/SA semi-auto pistol, I would lean toward the P-5 and search for a better price. I've seen used ones for around $600.
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New member
I would say go with the P5C. This is one great pistol.

I have both the P5 and P5C and have had ample trigger time on the P7 family to be quite familiar with them. I have never seen the need to buy one (P7M8 or M13) over the other weapons available to me. :D The P7 family are way over priced, especially when compared to a fine pistol like the P5C. ;)

You will never have to worry about what ammo your feed your P5 or P5C like many have found they have to with the op system of the P7. :( My two digest everything I feed them without problem.

Not to sound like an echo but...neither the P5 or P5C are DOA and never were. :rolleyes: Erroneous information like this is very misleading to the uninitiated.
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New member
Sorry, I didn't read you post closely enough the first time. You asked:

- P7 PSP for $900 or
- P5 Compact for $950

I still think the Compact is high. If you can get the P5 Compact for $900, I'd go for that.

Like I said, you can buy them brand new from Val for $845 (if he has any left) or from Earl for $895 http://www.carlwalther.com/p5.htm but you have to add $30 shipping to it. Plus tax if your receiving dealer charges that. But it's brand new. But, hey, is it $950 out the door, or tax on top of that? You still might get it cheaper from Earl's. Depends on whether you want to deal locally or not.

I think you can do better on the P7 PSP also.

The P5C and P5 are great guns. I can just shoot my P7s better. AND, I've never had a failure to feed or function with ANY type of ammo thrown at them (or my P5s) :D



New member
I just shot the P5 for the first time today. I like the P7 better because the mag well is a lot bigger (at least on the M8 it is). For some weird reason my trigger finger was hurting while shooting the P5.


New member
I own six HK P7s and a Walther P5 Compact. While you cannot go wrong with either, I'd vote for the P5C. It's a remarkable little pistol. The same, of course, can be said of the HK P7, but the P5C seems a bit smoother.


I'm looking at the factory test targets of a P5 and a P7. 3" vs. 1" respectively, at 25 yards. Boy, did the P7 ever win that contest.