Guy uses Ninja Sword to thwart attacker...

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Active member
I thought this was an intersting story - guy uses sword for self defense in Baltimore. Seems like this is getting more press because it was a Sword instead of a gun:

"A would-be burglar met his end at the hands of a Johns Hopkins student armed with a samurai sword early today, the Baltimore Sun reports. The student, who lives off-campus, told cops he heard a sound and went downstairs, to find a man in his garage. When the man lunged at him, the student says he defended himself with the sword.

Police responding to neighbors’ calls said they found the intruder with a nearly severed hand and cuts to his upper body. The man died shortly after police arrived, and the student remains in custody while police verify his story. A police rep said that it legal to own a sword in Baltimore, adding that "individuals have a right to defend their person and their property," but would not comment on the legality of this specific case.

I don't think Maryland has a Castle Doctrine - yet, the police have indicated that they don't want to charge the homeowner. Apparently this was a bad neighborhood where crime is rampant. Are folks from Baltimore permitted to own handguns without a license?


New member
Friend of mine showed this to me, because I have a nice Katana sitting on a stand in my bedroom. :cool:

From a tactical standpoint, not exactly the smartest thing he could have done. While it might have been avoided, I hope he ends up okay legally because it seems like a legit self defense case.
I'm curious if using a sword over a firearm would be beneficial or detrimental legally speaking.


New member
I say GOOD JOB!!!

My house was SEVERELY burglarized in August '08 and March '09. The August burglary happened when I was offshore and the punk hit me hard. If I had caught him, there would have been only ONE StoryTeller.

These people are NOT stealing because they are hungry for food. They're just out stealing, more than likely to support a drug habit, and that makes them that much more dangerous.

Suppose it was MY Mother, or YOUR Mother's home. Mom hears a noise, goes to check it out, and some LowLife attacks her, even worse that she may be alone. If the guy with the sword had not inflicted injury, much less ended his life, the same LowLife may have gotten away and ended up at One of Our Family's home to repeat his offenses.

I say Good Job, and Good Riddens. May God have mercy on him.

If You DON'T agree with that, then why do we have guns, ammo, knives, bats and other weapons, in the first place??????????? I'm also a fan of BrassKnuckles.....just keep them under wraps...

I don't have a Glock 21 or Double PistolGrip 12 gauge to hunt Game Animals. I carry my .45 as a Side Arm during hunts, and have been known to hunt hogs with the DPG Mossberg, but......... It's mostly for 2-Legged snakes...

And I hope, for the sake of this Country, that the Law Enforcement and the Justice system see it the same way. Our Countrymen didn't fight (and don't fight) for Our Freedom and Liberty just for Us to Cower down to some friggin' criminal.....


New member
If You DON'T agree with that, then why do we have guns, ammo, knives, bats and other weapons, in the first place???????????
So we can protect our lives, not enforce justice...

Is the world a better place? Probably. But if I wanted to make the world a better place by stopping thieves, I woulda become a cop.

Our Countrymen didn't fight (and don't fight) for Our Freedom and Liberty just for Us to Cower down to some friggin' criminal.....
Calling the police and having them arrested is hardly cowering down...

I don't have a problem with people choosing to protect their property instead of staying out of it and calling the police, but do not make it sound like we need to somehow enforce and particular code of justice upon anyone out to do us ill. It makes us sound crazy...


New member
When there is a man coming at You, You have very few choices. Fight, run, or take a beating (or worse). No time to call the police. Call the law AFTER.

That's not enforcing "justice", that's self defense.


New member
I don't know, I would worry more about being the guy bringing a knife to a gun fight. I've got plenty of swords but will stick to firearms for home defense. You never know what the intruder may be carrying but it's a good wager it wouldn't be another sword. Guy should be thankful the intruder wasn't packen. Something that doesn't make sense; why would anyone charge someone with a sword? Something doesn't sound right.:confused:


'm curious if using a sword over a firearm would be beneficial or detrimental legally speaking.

That's a thought. I guess it would depend on the particular circumstances. One thing for sure, if you manage to stab or cut someone with a sword, I guess the guy was just to close for comfort. Defenitely not the case of reaching out and touching someone at 10 yrs. with a gun. MAKE SURE NOT TO CUT/STAB HIM IN THE BACK!:D


New member

Drugs. Totally whacked out on Who-Knows-What. The "Sword-Carrier", going to check out a noise that was heard, may have been toting all he had. Afterall, he was in college, and we all know that unless Mom or Dad has plenty money and the College Student isn't making much money with his part-time job (usually part-time), he likely couldn't afford a FireArm, if he didn't have one already.

The "other" weapons available in this country are very useful. If all You had was a Kubaton, that's better than nothing. Of Course, You should never bring a knife to a gun fight, but if all I had was a sword or machete, You can bet Your last cartridge that I'm carrying it, if I can get to it, if/when I hear some noise and am on my way to check it out.

It's lucky for the Sword Totin' College Student that the prick wasn't packin', yes, but UNlucky for the SmallTime Terrorist that the Student WAS "packin".

I don't want to hurt ANYONE, but if/when the time comes, I'd rather remedy the INFECTION than let the disease spread.

Could You see it??? Guy comes at You... Hey Wait! Hold on a minute, let me call the Police so I don't have to fight/hurt You...

Sure. You won't feel the same after You wake up, if the guy get's the best of You, IF You wake up.

That doesn't seem "crazy" to me. Sounds more like the same American Spirit and Beliefs that this Country was BUILT on.
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New member
When there is a man coming at You, You have very few choices. Fight, run, or take a beating (or worse). No time to call the police. Call the law AFTER.
He had all the time in the world to call the police. He wasn't threatened until he went out to investigate. There are merits to both sides, which I wont debate here. I'm just saying there are alternatives to going in guns blazing that aren't considered "cowering."

That's not enforcing "justice", that's self defense.
You're right, it is just self defense. But your comments sure make it sound like justice "needed" to be done... Just go easy with the gung ho attitude, it makes us gun owners look crazy in the eyes of the public. Saying things like they deserve to die and good riddens does not help our cause...

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I'd be interested to know what will happen in regards to "defensive wounds"...

Even if the dead BG was the aggressor there are likely to be defensive wounds. A prosecutor could say that defensive wounds are indicative of the BG attempting to break off the attack. (True or not)
A positive aspect of using a firearms is that it's pretty hard to have defensive wounds from gun fire. Yes, it can happen in certain cases but it's far less likely I should think than versus a knife.

As to the GGs strategy... he should have called the police and waited in the room, ready to protect himself. I have no sympathy for the BG but the GGs life would surely be easier at this moment had he simply called the police and waited in a safe(r) area.


New member
Wow an earlier posting about this was locked before anyone could post. I want to get on here and say howdy before that happens;) Forget about it except as a point of interest, with your luck, if someone breaks in they will have a gun and you will end up a shiskabob.
Sorry, guys, but this is The Firing Line, not The Slashing Line.

Maybe one of the regular mods for this forum will be more inclined to let this run, but until then, it's off topic and I've got to close it.
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