Guy shoots at chopper...oh boy!

Navy joe

New member
Local idiot counters terror with gun.

Idiots with guns, I love 'em! This one is stupid on so many levels.

James City County Deputy Police Chief Ken Middlebrook said Chwaszczewski admitted firing an AR-15, a civilian version of a military assault rifle.
Middlebrook said it was legal to possess one but not to walk around outside with it loaded. It is also illegal to fire any gun in an area where there are people, he said.

Well, it is legal to walk around with it loaded there Mr. Police
Chief. Not brandish it though or fire wildly in the air like a dumbass having no clue what a beaten zone is or much less what beaten zone your bullets are relocating too. Dumb gunowners, I love 'em!

Local radio station that is mildly pro-gun in that they occasionally do a show from a local gun range and such interviewed the guy. He shot from his doorway (loud) two shots from the hip:rolleyes: . Didn't mean to hit the helicopter, just wanted it to not take off. :rolleyes:

It was in fact Milwalkee sawzall vs. COLT AR-15 and apparently the gun came up the big loser. How dumb can this guy get? In defense of my home state, please note that this brainiac was from New Jersey, the Garden of common sense State. I wish he'd go back. :mad:

*speaking of idiots, I misspelled "idiot" in the subject line and can't seem to edit it away. :eek:

That's all right. Long Path has got yer back. :)
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Doesn't sound like any of those folks are playing with a full deck.
Yeah, Including the DA who came up with the charges. How exactly is shooting at someone with an AR misdemeanor assault? There have to be at least a half dozen felony charges that apply to someone shooting an AR at someone without AOJP in a residential neighborhood.

OTOH, that pilot sounds pretty smart flying 20 feet away from a house, since it didn't sound like there was actually a mechanical failure that was interfering with flight. Sure, "the clutch light came on." Right. That must be why he took off again, so he could be in the air in a potentially broken helicopter while a guy on the ground tries to shoot him out of the air.
"Afterward, he thought that he could be in trouble for firing a weapon in the neighborhood. That's
when he took a saw to the weapon, he said."

I'm reminded of an old episode of Sanford & Sons, where Fred and LaMont get an old, old musket, which is still loaded. It fires while they are handling it, and they think they've killed the neighbor.

So, Fred takes a blowtorch to the musket, and melts it down.

In the meantime, the neighbor comes up alive, and somehow Fred finds out the musket was worth thousands and thousands of dollars to a collector, but he's melted it.

Good lord. This entire thing is bizarre.


New member
The son of a New Jersey police officer, Chwaszczewski said he grew up with the motto "Shoot first, and ask questions later."
Is this really this official policy for New Jersey police?:D In the words of the great Bugs Bunny - What a maroon!!


New member
Virginia Man Fearing Terrorists Fires on Helicopter With an AR-15

"Maybe I overreacted, but I did feel this was terrorism at its utmost," Chwaszczewski said.

CNN Reports:

Man, Fearing Terrorists, Fires at Helicopter

July 20, 2002 Posted: 1:22 PM EDT (1722 GMT)

WILLIAMSBURG, Virginia (AP) -- A man armed with an assault-style rifle opened fire on a helicopter landing in a residential neighborhood, thinking the chopper was carrying terrorists, police said.

Helicopter pilot John S. Sutton landed his helicopter July 13 at the home of businessman John Peters to pick him up, police said.

John Chwaszczewski, a semiretired construction worker, became alarmed when he saw the chopper swoop down over his garage, about a block from Peters' home.

"Maybe I overreacted, but I did feel this was terrorism at its utmost," Chwaszczewski said.

Chwaszczewski told police the shooting was "a natural reaction," after having watched the events of September 11.

A woman who identified herself as Sutton's wife said he would have no comment.

Sutton was charged with recklessly operating an aircraft, a misdemeanor, Deputy Police Chief Ken Middlebrook said Friday. If convicted, he could face a month in jail.

Chwaszczewski was charged with interfering with an aircraft, discharging a firearm, an AR-15 rifle, in a public place, reckless handling of a firearm and assaulting Sutton. He faces up to eight years in prison and $10,000 in fines if convicted.


New member
They need this guy out in Colorado, New Mexico and all those other areas where ranchers are losing cattle to weird, apparently scientifically performed "mutilations".

Lots of low/night-flying unmarked helicopters seen over the sites - no joke, no tinfoil hats. The govt says it doesn't know anything about these flights, so . . . I'd use a lever-action 45-70 and lob a few biggies up there and see what comes down. I always wondered what would happen if one of these units that the "govt disclaims all knowledge about" was taken out and IDs from the occupants put on the Web. (evil ;) )

Maybe if the unknowns lost one of two of these units they'd quit impoverishing those ranchers for some screwball scheme (or find another way of doing it).

Check out a 1970s movie called "Endangered Species" - good entertainment along this line.


:eek: WOW! A little premature reaction to say the least. I could see maybe crawling behind a blade of grass and observing them. If it was a Richie Rich Taxi-Cab situation, someone would come and enter the chopper, no weapons would be shown by the occupants. If it were a terrorist or JBT situation, people would be seen exiting chopper with weapons. Probably still wouldn't open fire on em' cause after all, survival is the goal and chances for survival would go down by drawing their attention and fire.

Hold your fire until you are forced to respond, geez...

Can't recognize any situational ethics there.

What was the range? Any casulties?


New member
Cap'n, Peter wears a black, instead of white, lab coat and his specs are matte black too. Plus, he goes shooting on Thursdays instead of golfing. :D :D :D


New member
James City police last night charged both the pilot and the man who allegedly shot at him during a helicopter landing in a neighborhood Saturday.
Remember when all those Antis were saying, what are you gonna do, shoot down a terrorist plane? Well...

"I didn't know what was going on," said Chwaszczewski.

Understatement of the Year.

"My initial reaction was this had got to be terrorists," he said, explaining that he was in New Jersey at the time of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in New York City, and he witnessed the second tower of the World Trade Center falling.
Yeah, because Al Queda is interested in the vacant lot next to your house, dude.
So he said he grabbed one of his guns and headed back outside.
"I fired two shots," he said. "I don't know if I hit anything."
A cursory examination of your high school physics textbook would tell you that it is overwhelmingly likely that you hit something.

"It just happened so quick," he said.
Lemme guess, you didn't even have time to think, right?

Afterward, he thought that he could be in trouble for firing a weapon in the neighborhood.
Ya think?
That's when he took a saw to the weapon, he said.
Yeah, that'll help.
"I'm in big trouble," he said.
So you are capable of rational thought.
If that helicopter hadn't landed I wouldn't be out there shooting at it.
And if your parents had just not had sex, you wouldn't have been out there screwing up the 2nd Amendment for everyone with a functional cereberal cortex, either. Whats your point?
I have no idea how this happened.
You were drinking the bong water, thats how. Jackass.
The son of a New Jersey police officer, Chwaszczewski said he grew up with the motto "Shoot first, and ask questions later."
Question, was your father a good cop?
He doesn't think that police or his neighbors agree.
Runner up for understatement of the year.
"They're all not too happy with me," he said of his neighbors. "This is a very close-knit neighborhood. Nobody wants anything to do with this."
Probably because they don't want to antagonize the idiot with the AR-15, since he might decide that the neighbor on his riding lawnmower is a terrorist agent, thats why.
He hopes that the story doesn't reach his family in New Jersey.
"Just don't tell my wife," he joked.
Good Lord, he has mated. God willing, she's infertile.
"I don't think he was hiding behind a tree," Middlebrook said. "He might have been standing behind a tree."
The term you are looking for is 'prop wash.'

Sutton said the day when Chwaszczewski reported seeing men in suits casing out the area, Sutton and Peters were there, wearing shorts and polo shirts. He said they were trying to determine whether the helicopter could land safely at the vacant lot.

But Middlebrook said Sutton told police that Sutton needed to make an emergency landing there because he was worried about a clutch light that had come on. Middlebrook said police also were investigating the possibility that Sutton planned to land there all along and pick up Peters.
Well, at least the cops are smarter than the shooter. And, apparently, the yuppies.
Sutton said in an interview with a reporter that he and Peters had discussed that. Sutton said he told Peters to make sure that it was OK with neighbors. He looked down Saturday morning to make sure that Peters wasn't waving him off. It didn't look as if he was, Sutton said.
Gotta check that flight plan with the neighbors, there, Sparky.
But he said it's true that the clutch light started blinking as he approached. "It was a combination of things" that made him land, he said.
Riiiiiight. Just read that email from your lawyer, didn't yah?

Ok, Does anyone think that these guys have enough neurons between the bunch of them to form a functioning synapse, yes or no?

I vote no.

The only question I have is whether or not we will have outcry against people owning and flying aircraft who are obviously too stupid to do so. I'm guessing not...

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New member
When did Dale Dribble move from Arlen, Tejas to Old Virginny? Dale should have bought some tactical peanut butter to go along with his fave SEEL Team raffle.:D

Wonder if at his initial hearing he points out that the fringe on the flag means that this is an admiralty court as such you have no authority over me, Rusty Shackleford?