Gura: Force of Nature

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Some of you may be familiar with Attorney Donald Kilmer. He is the lead attorney in the Nordyke case; lead attorney in other CA 2A cases and co-counsel with Alan Gura in a couple more.

Monday Afternoon, Don started a thread at CalGuns with the same title as this thread. What he says, coming from an excellent attorney in his own right, means a lot. I asked for and received permission to quote his OP. If you wish to read the thread in the original, it is here:

Lex Arma said:
I have the honor of being co-counsel with Alan Gura on a couple of cases here in California. Today we received notification of favorable outcomes in two cases in other states. One in which he played the crucial role of lead counsel (the Maryland Carry case) and another in which he appeared as amicus counsel (the Colorado Campus Carry case).

His victories are now starting to transcend great legal work and are treading into the realm of great art. Michelangelo's David and Pieta would have been enough, but the Sistine Chapel too?

Or if you prefer sports analogies: He isn't just on his way to winning the Triple Crown, he looks ready to repeat Secretariat's performance in the Belmont in 1973. Not only destroying the only other good horse in the country brave enough to enter the race (Sham), but setting a track record while doing it.

Or if you prefer military analogies, imagine if the 101st had not just broken out of Bastogne on their own (without Patton's help), but had gone on to crush the German counter-offensive (the Bulge) single-handedly.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are witnessing a legal force of nature that comes along only once in a generation. I am a happy witness to this man's work and I am a grateful beneficiary of his talent.

Wiki bio:
Another view:
It's not just 2A, it's all rights:


New member
Alan Gura will be in the history books. Individuals who value liberty owe him a debt. His arguments related to sports remind me of Michael Jordan cutting to the hoop or even more Gayle Sayers executing a broken field run - a thing of beauty that takes your breath away and makes you shake your head and doubt your eyes. I remember when I heard the news about Heller and then McDonald. Those are days that I will always remember, as I imagine will anyone who has in their small measure fought the fight for all these years.
His victories are now starting to transcend great legal work and are treading into the realm of great art.
Looking back at the work he's done in the last five years, I'm still taken aback. Not only did he successfully argue two groundbreaking cases before the Supreme Court, the groundwork he's laid in the Circuit courts (and the overall strategy at work) is stunning.

Ten years ago, if you told me these things would all happen in such a short time, I'd have offered to sell you beachfront property in Arizona.

Mr. James

New member
Well said, mack59 and Tom Servo.

The "Simple Justice" post linked by Mr. Norris, above, is both fascinating and disgusting. Interesting reading for laymen who wonder what happens under the hood in such momentous cases. It ain't pretty!