Gunsmith Directory


New member
Anyone know of a good gunsmith directory online? Preferably, at the least, location, contact info, etc.. a bonus would be if the directory listed guns worked on, general price range, and reviews.

I'm thinking of sending off my 1911 for a bit of work, but I don't want to send it across the country.. rather find someone in Prescott, AZ if I could, if anyone has any recommendations :)


New member
There's a directory section at that should have what you are looking for. However, depending on what you are looking to have done, I'd rather send it to well known smith, even if it means shipping it, rather than just pick a name out of a hat... Either that, or wait for recommendations in your area, in which case it would probably be best to create a new post with a subject more along those lines.



New member

Thanks very much! That's just a hop and a skip from where I live. I appreciate that link.

I figured that with Ruger and Gunsite in the local area.. there had to be a good gunsmith to round things out.