Gunshow Illegalities


New member
I was at the Eastman gunshow in Atlanta over the weekend, and along with the post-ban AR's illegally configured as pre-ban, I saw something that really disturbed me.

A gentleman with a very nice M4gery was talking with a vendor about M-16 fire control parts. The vendor told him that a three round "Tri Burst" kit would drop right into his rifle, and allow him to shoot three round bursts. The vendor went on to say that this was perfectly legal in Georgia, as Georgia defines a Machine gun as one that will shoot more than 6 shots with a single function of the trigger (this definition is indeed correct, per Georgia code 16-11-121 (2)), and the tri burst will only shoot 3 rounds.

The vendor went on say that the four position (safe, semi, burst, full) fire control parts would be illegal, as they were "M-16" parts, but that the tri burst were "AR-15" parts, and so were perfectly legal.

The potential customer asked me if I knew anything about AR's, and what I thought of this. I explaind to him that even though Georgia had a different definition for machine gun, anything that he did to his rifle that would make it fire more that one round per action of the trigger would be the creation of an illegal NFA weapon, and would earn him a trip to Club Fed. I then pointed out to him the differences in AR-15 and M-16 parts, such as the hammer, disconnecter, selector, etc., and explained that the BATF has determined that M-16 parts in an AR-15 are illegal.

At this point, the vendor went to deal with other customers, and the potential customer offered me a sincere thanks for helping to keep him legal.

Part of me wanted to make a scene and confront this dealer, and ask why he wanted to turn innocent people into felons, but I just left. Looking back, I fear that I did the wrong thing by not confronting him, and I wonder how many people have been screwed by him.

Anyone else seen stuff like this? If so, how have you handled it?

Paul Revere

New member
Believe it or not, many of these conversations stem from undercover F-Troop agents or F-Troop informants posing as show patrons, attempting to make an arrest on the basis of "conspiracy to convert a weapon to full-auto". Don't judge a book by its cover. It could be the most unlikely of character, even an old man, husband and wife, or a guy with a NRA hat on. No sale has to be made, simply the discussion of how to go about making the conversion.

Another sting is one in which a private sale is witnessed by the undercover agent who then proceeds to make an offer (to the new owner) at a much higher price than what was just paid. The buyer who becomes an instant seller to the higher offer is then arrested for "dealing firearms without a license".

In addition, many show halls these days are equipped with video surveillance cameras which are then manned during the show by agents. Just look up and see if your show has them. Some are even cleverly hidden in rafters and beams overhead.

Once you become a regular at these shows, you'd be surprised at what people will tell you. Things like..."Ahh, an AR-15...hmmm, kinda like the M16 I brought back from Nam." and, "Oh an AR-15! Hey, I have a drop-in auto sear for one of those, and if someone came up with $100, I just might want to sell it." So many people love to brag about their "collections", and those with the most to hide don't seem that worried about telling a complete stranger about what they have "hidden away".

Loose lips sink ships!


there are many cheaters, liars, and thieves (and apparently batmen and their helpers) at shows. keep your wits about you.


New member
It's been said many times before, but worth repeating:
Know who you're dealing with at one of these shows.
I avoid strangers with fantastic offers and deals like the plague.
With the Fed's focus and attention clearly now on these shows and their 'attendees', you're only asking for trouble.
Caveat Emptor!

good luck, but be careful...

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
At a TX gunshow, a dude who I previously thought was respectable had a box of
Black Talons on sale - with a big sign saying:

Only Ammo to Be Banned by the Federal Government!

Another dude had the fake Hitler quote.

Buyer beware.


New member
There is a regional BATF office in Atlanta, I would think people in that area would be pretty careful, unless of course the seller had nothing to worry about. Sure, buy these parts, now let me see your drivers license to get your address so I can write you a receipt and you can be on your way.

Nestor Rivera

New member
A while back I had a dealer offer me a M-16 looking .22lr made in the phillipines that he told me could go full auto with a minor change in a part placement (no changes need in parts just their placement) I said NO THANK YOU. I have no use for a Select-Fire and do not want the problems associated with one.