Guns you "need", guns you want, guns you'll use

Willie D

New member
When buying guns or making mental lists of guns I want, I find myself drawn in different directions: Guns that fill a void in my collection or serve a specific purpose vs. guns that are just too fun or sexy to pass by vs. guns that will see the most use.

I could really use a pocket pistol. I would carry it a lot, especially in warmer weather. I'd rather buy yet another full size 9mm; because...why not? I like shooting them at the range and the new one would be ever so slightly different than the old ones.

Or, I "need" something for hunting in bad weather (a mostly theoretical situation for me) but I'd rather get a FAL for no other reason than they look and feel awesome.

Or, I think I need something that will take me to 800yds but maybe I should just get another .22 bolt gun.

Anyone else experience something similar? I suppose one can amass a varied collection over the years but when buying stuff now I sometimes kick myself for getting something unnecessary but also don't get as much use from the niche guns that I "needed".


New member
I hardly get to shoot the guns I own, so I never kick myself for buying anything. I have it for the day that I want to shoot it and that's good enough for me!

Impractical guns, though? Not really my cup of tea. Not into BBQ guns either. I'm a utilitarian kind of guy!


New member
Well, don't laugh...but I would love to buy a Ruger #1 Tropical in .458 win. I love #1's & ever since I handled a tropical, I've wanted one. Something about that rifle that calls me...LOL

Come to think of it, hunting really dangerous game with a single shot would have to be the height of lunacy!!! :eek::):eek:



New member
When I started buying, it was only the guns that I needed. Then I started filling in the holes with guns that I sort of needed. Then I started to buy the guns I wanted, but didn't really need.


New member
When I was shooting USPSA and IDPA competition twice a week, I didn't see any reason to buy a gun that couldn't be used in those matches, as I sure wasn't going to the range a third time, just to shoot the guns that weren't match legal.
What I ended up doing was finding competitions for which all my guns were legal, and also occasionally justifying a purchase because it would allow me to try a new form of competition. It was all a lot of mental gymnastics, to justify gun purchases and range trips!
I do have a secret list of guns that I just want, with no greater justification necessary.


New member
I have all the "basics" of a well rounded firearms selection covered with the glaring exception of a 12ga shotgun. I need a 12ga.
Yet I find myself shopping for, and sometimes spending money on, things I want for one reason or another, such as black powder revolvers, derringers, old surplus pistols, etc. I don't need any of these th8ngs, but they sure make me happy to have them!


New member
I need a carry handgun, a hunting rifle, a 12ga and a .22lr. That is 4 guns to cover all my needs.

Everything beyond that is a want. I want, and have bought, a lot of wants.


New member
taking this a little out of order, but bear with me...

All of my guns (except family heirlooms) get shot rather regularly. Family heirlooms get cleaned, shown to family members and close friends that visit, but mostly stay in the safe. Everything else gets shot at least a couple of times a year.

Guns that I want, yep I have a few of those and there are a few I want to get. Nope, they don't fit a specific billet, I just thought they'd be cool and they're on the list. Unless it's something like an Automag in .44AMP (a big one on the want list, but can't justify the $$$ for it yet), it'll get shot regularly because I believe in shooting what you've got and cross-training on multiple platforms.

Guns that I need, this is definitely a list of mine and I only "need" one more to make it complete (which will be filled with Ruger's new Redhawk 45 convertible, because I "need" a good hunting revolver). I've got self & home defense, hunting, and training/competition all covered.

However, my wife has finally learned not to ask why we need to buy XYZ, because I'll have a good excuse or say "because I can and there's room in the safe." She joked the other night when I was talking to a friend about the Hennessy GT350, looked dead at me and said "I'm not going to ask, because every time I do, you say 'what is this word need?' and then start laughing." ;)


New member
I have several more handguns than I need. None are available for sale. Might yet get more. My most frequently used range is an indoor range attached to the LGS where I know everyone. I always have to browse through the cases when I finish shooting.
I don't NEED any guns. I need the knowledge of how to operate them, but I don't NEED the physical possession.

I want almost everything I see.

I compromised on things I can use regularly. It turns out I can use almost any 22lr regularly.


New member
I have always wanted to have a Pre-64 Winchester Model 70 in 375 H&H . I dont hunt and I rarely shoot my rifles but it's just cool and I want one .