Guns need servicing


New member
You know I belong to quite a few gun forums and I`m conatantly hearing people say a gun they own is a piece of junk because some small part needs replacing. Come on guns are no different than many other things we own they need cleaning and sometimes repair. A gun can last a lifetime if you are in for the long haul and not just buying and selling all the time. I`ve had a rilfe and shotgun for over 30 years and thats after my father had it for 20 years, 50 years! I have a number of others over 30 years. But the key is I keep my guns up, plus after so many years I would never think of selling them.

Have you had guns for many years?


New member
I have had many of my guns for many years.
My Ruger Single Six - 42 years.
Ruger 10/22 - 30 years.
Custom made flintlock longrifle - 31 years.
Inherited, all brass, Benjamin air rifle - 72 years and it was many years old before I got it.
Newest, Remington 870 shotgun - about 10 years.


Active member
Some guns need a heck of a lot more servicing than others. I like guns that don't need frequent servicing. The only exception might be replacing springs in micro-pistols - comes with the micro-pistol territory.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
They shouldn't need MUCH servicing!

I've never had to replace a single part on any gun I've ever owned and I've never sold a single gun. I've had my 10/22 for about 15 years, it's never even been CLEANED (on the inside) say nothing of "serviced" and it's perfectly reliable.

All other firearms are thoroughly cleaned after use and none have ever been in need of further "service".