Guns & Gun-related Mailing Lists?


New member
My wife and I had some identity theft issues a while back so we got off pretty much every list of everything out there. We got mail maybe once or twice a week for several years. Everything is under control now and I'd like to get back on some catalog/mailing lists.

I've got Cabela's, Dillon, Sportsman's Guide, etc., but in case I missed some, can you guys list the ones you use the most? It doesn't have to be strictly gun specific stuff, but outdoors or reloading, etc. if what I'm in to.



New member
How about Brownells?

On a related note our security company performed an audit of our home. During the audit the officer told me that I should place old firearms related publications in the general trash instead of the recycling bin. He also recommends putting these items away when any service people come into your home.
If you are extremely paranoid you won't get your name on a gun related list. I imagine the NSA can get the NRA membership rolls any time they want.