Guns For Sale: Buyer Robbed and Shot By Sellers

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New member
Police are investigating after a man was shot in the leg overnight.

It happened at about 1:00 a.m. near East 54th Place and North Frankfort Place. Investigators say they were made aware of the shooting after the victim showed up at OSU Medical Center with a gunshot wound to the ankle.

The victim told police he called a man named Sean and arranged to purchase two guns from him. Three people later arrived at the victim's home and were carrying two firearms.

When the victim pulled out his money to pay for the weapons, the suspects instead robbed him and shot him one time before getting back into their car and driving away.

Officers were able to develop information that led them to an address in East Tulsa, where they found a vehicle matching the description and four people standing in the yard next to the car.

The vehicle was searched and officers found two weapons, an SKS rifle and a 9-millimeter Mac 11. The four people -- some juveniles and some adults -- were taken in for questioning, but no arrests or charges have been filed
Cutting and pasting a portion of the article doesn't absolve the thread from being a drive-by. What's your take on the matter and what are you wanting to gain from the discussion?


New member
Whether buying or selling:

1. Do not invite anyone to your home. Meet them at the range or some other "gun-friendly" location.
2. Do not go to this meeting unarmed if you are a CHL holder. If you are not a CHL holder...become one.


New member
I have bought from several folks under this sort of situation..never have had a single problem,,, but never went without my conceal either.


New member
Cutting and pasting a portion of the article doesn't absolve the thread from being a drive-by.

It's not a "portion." If you'd bother to click on the link you'd see that's the whole article.

What's your take on the matter and what are you wanting to gain from the discussion?

To warn gunowners to not take risks in buying or selling guns. Don't let buyers/sellers come to your home. Don't trust anybody. Don't negotiate deals in the wee hours of the morning. It's getting riskier and riskier out there.


New member
It's getting riskier and riskier out there.

Actually, violent crime has gone down by a third since 1993. But the human brain doesn't record information that way--it adds every incident of crime it hears about to a growing mental tabulation, so no matter what as time goes on the world always SEEMS more dangerous, because that's what your brain perceives.
What an idiot.

I never meet at my home, usually not even in my town.
I ALWAYS carry.
I ALWAYS meet in a parking lot with some traffic.
I ALWAYS take a circuitous route home and watch for tails.

The last part isn't really necessary, but I get a kick out of it.
Sometimes I even show up a few minutes early and park in an adjacent parking lot until they show so I can check them out.

It's getting riskier and riskier out there.
Nah, the GENE pool is getting weaker b/c of social welfare programs.
This guy did a lot of dumb things. 50 years ago the criminals would have been smart enough to take everything in his house not just the cash he had for the guns then lock him in the basement.

Local news made a big deal about bats being tested for rabies by the health department tonight. THREE this year so far!!!! and only TWO for ALL of last year. Wow there are some statistically significant figures in that data...
Anyways I asked a health inspector about it. Turns out that last year they had two people try to barehand catch bats in their house and so far this year they have had three. So there aren't more rabid bats, but more stupid people. Or more coordinated people.
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Um....OK. How 'bout THIS:

Cutting and pasting the ENTIRE article doesn't absolve the thread from being a drive-by.


P.S. I DID read the article before posting.
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