Guns DO kill people...


New member
Now Rosies publicist will claim that a man with a cheeseburger approached Rosie some years back thus making her fat .


New member
Wow... That's a shocker.

But it still took someone to brandish that weapon, even if not towards her! :D

Now, if she had stumbled upon one say in the trash... :p
No, in this case the gun did not kill the actress, it could be argued, but the threat of the apparent robber who showed intent to do her harm.


New member
No, in this case the gun did not kill the actress, it could be argued, but the threat of the apparent robber who showed intent to do her harm.

I agree. She told her husband that she was scared that the "assailant" was going to kidnap her and her family. This can better be blamed on Mexico's failure to address this all too common problem in Mexico. We need to send Denzel Washington down to take care of business (Man of Fire)


New member
That could happen in any stressful situation. But you just know the liberals are going to blame the gun in that situation. O yeah Bush and cheney won Skeetin'870.


New member
I think I am going to throw all my guns away

the mear sight of one kill a 39 year old, and here I am 50. I havent had the safe open in days and I am just so scaired I might see one of those terrable,,,I cant even mention the name, it might kill me.
Oh save me from the evil!

I agree with the burger king thing, had some one walk up to her and turned around and farted she probabley would have had the same outcome.

genetics are everything, and her's seems to be lacking.